This is the Federation of Mankind. The members help each other out in case of battle and also have a combined defense fleet standing ready in the middle of our territory. Then, when all hell brakes loose, that fleet scrambles to the system in danger and neutralizes the threat. We will probably have more than one combined fleet, as our territory is destined to grow until it reaches from one corner of the galaxy to the other. We have a very detailed chain of command based on different tasks that players get.. All important decisions that affects the entire Federation are decided by the members voting on what decision they like.
Finally a mention of the creater of the guild. Zybeer, after he stood down I (Rigges) created a new web site and well, finally took over the group but, we can't forget the original leader, the creater of this guild :)
We will also have rules as that only the highest ranking member available will command the Federation fleet in case of emergency. He will also have the right to give that responsibility to someone else, most often the one who has his system under attack. We will coexist friendly with our neighbors and never attack a defenseless peaceful empire (player). We have the right to go into battle against neighbors that is waging war. But we may not use the combined Federation fleet for such a task.
We will share defense, exploration and research. No one will ever stand alone in a time of chaos. The Federation fleet will be there for you =). If you want to join the UFoM you have to be 14 years or above. Send us your ICQ number (if you have one) your e-mail address, country you are from and online name.
The logo represents what the group stands for, being mainly a group of peace the dove is of peace, however, the colour of gold and the unique wings represent power and prosperity, the only way to achieve peace in such a galaxy as this is through power. The sign behind the dove is the 'U' representing the name of our group, The 'United' federation of Mankind. Finally the leaf behind all of this is to represent peace and unity. Don't get me wrong here, we are peaceful and all, but we will build a great empire to crush our enemies.