We all know that the Centauri were the first alien race the Humans encountered, sometime in the 22nd century.
But recently-uncovered evidence seems to indicate that they discovered our planet and launched a small, covert delegation here much earlier. UFOlogist and certified nutball Alan Bradley, age 48, recently noticed that in vids of the late Emperor of Centauri Prime, Cartagia, that the Emperor seemed to be wearing clothes that STRONGLY resembled Earth fashions of a certain decade in the late 20th century.
"In this recording", says Bradley, "you can see that Cartagia was wearing huge 'wing' lapels, a shirt open halfway to his waist, tight white pants, a heavy gold medallion on his chest, and strange footwear. It looked a LOT like the clothing of the so-called "Disco Era".
This would seem to answer several questions that have been bothering Earth historians for quite some time now. The entire late '70s/early '80s was a most inexplicable period--until now. Humans suddenly got the strangest urges to wear bizzarre, flambouyant, ill-fitting clothing in most unnatural fabrics, to poof their hair into huge, sprayed-stiff styles, and to write songs that seemed to make no sense. Some of them even mentioned body parts that do not exist! On a HUMAN body, anyway. For example, what IS a "groove thang" and how exactly DOES one shake it?
The logical explanation for this, in light of the new Emperor's clothes, is that a delegation of Centauri must have infiltrated Earth during this time period and heavily influenced our pop culture. Bradley also suggests that perhaps the fact that two of the biggest science-fiction movies of all time, "Star Wars" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", BOTH came out in the year 1977, may have had something to do with a government conspiracy to cover up the fact that REAL aliens had recently landed. After all, the styles started becoming REALLY widespread around then.
The conclusion? Disco was caused by SPACE ALIENS!
Like you ever doubted it. :)
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