Stealing Cable
First of all the author would like to make it known that he does not do or condone of anything written in this file. This file is written for informational purposes only. He is not responsible for anything anyone does after reading it.

Now that that's out of the way, we can get to the real subject of this phile. Stealing Cable TV.....sounds good, doesn't it??

There are the hard ways to do it and the easy ways. One of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to do it is by simply placing a magnet <preferably a bar magnet> directly onto the underside of the cable box. Put the TV onto a station you don't get <like Playboy or HBO, get it??>, then move the magnet around on the bottom until you get a picture. Stay tuned to see if it's the station you're hoping it is and then change around the stations...What d'ya know..ALL STATIONS ARE COMING UP!!

Also, you can take the magnet off any time you'd like so no suspicious looking visitor dressed in a Cablevision uniform can tell you're not totally honest about what you watch. The only down point about this method is that the magnet, if left on too long, may screw up the box itself, especially if its an old model. Oh-well.

This is the method I recommend, but if you don't even have a box, you could tap into somebody else's cable. There are two ways to go about this:

a) If somebody who lives in your apartment building or next door to you has and pays for cable <in other words they have a box>, simply go over for a visit and secretly split the cable coming out of their box using co-ax cables and splits <found in Radio Shack..naturally>, then hook this up to a channel selector you can buy <once again at Radio Shack> or just hook it up to a cable-compatible TV.

b) If not, then you could split the local cable lines running through your neighborhood and hook this up to a pirate box or channel selector.

The second method is VERY risky nowadays, not only because of electronic bullets, but also because of other security devices and patrollers who occasionally check the outside wiring. The first method is a lot better because it goes through a standard cable box before it gets to your box <which eliminates the threat of electronic bullets and snoopy patrollers as well as other cheezy securities;.

Well I, Foothold, hope you learned something here today; and if you enjoyed this phile, I would like for you to leave me a message on the BBS you downloaded it from. Thanxx.