Hello and welcome to my ramblings and home page. Its dedicated to me and everything I like - much like most of the other personal sites on the web. Take a look at the 'ponderings' for a bit more detail about what I'm doing or check out the other sections. Beware - Some of the links aren't fully established yet - That's the temptation to drag you back here again one day. Well, I guess a short summary of me is in order. I'm:
  • Working at a GIS Joint Venture called the Herbert Resource Information Centre
  • Mother of one beautiful little girl.
  • Living in Townsville, Australia
  • Addicted to crafts - ceramics, needlework, just about anything!
That's about all I can think of at the moment. Feel free to send me an email. I love to get mail! Hope you enjoy yourselves, have a good wander!

Last updated August 3, 2000.
Created and maintained by Anna Forrest.
Graphics curtesy of Moyra's Web Jewels.