
The songs on this site are divided into catagories.
  To view a catagory, click on the arrow next to the name of the catagory.
To save the song, right click on the song title.






ROCK N ROLL - more coming soon!!!

I am once again having trouble with this part of the site.  Some of the songs are not linking correctly.    I hope no one is inconvenienced by this.  If you are looking for a particular song and cannot find it, Please email me and I will do my best to find the song for you. I do have all files on this site available through email if you are unable to download from here. 

Music is one of the best ways to see how cultures and societies change over a period of time. American as a society, and the world as well, went through massive changes during the decades of the Fifties, Sixties, and Seventies .  The music of these decades shows these changes through the lyrics, and the musical style presented by the artists.
The music on this site is offered as an educational reference to the changes in our society during these decades.
All music is copyrighted to the respective artists and their distributors and no monetary gain is made by this distribution.