Description | Humanoid, Bipedal |
Size | Medium |
Skin Pigment | Tan/White |
Hair | Varies |
Distinguishing Features | Ridges at crest of nose. Usually wear distinctive earring denoting Family/Clan |
Series | TNG: "Ensign Ro", DS9: all, VOY: "Caretaker" |
Planet of Origin | Bajor |
Quadrant | Alpha |
Early History | An ancient
that flourished
nearly 500,000 years ago. It's history contained master
artisans builders, and philosophers. They achieved space travel
solar sails over 800 years ago - far before the other "advanced"
of the Alpha and Beta quadrants. At least one of these solar
made it to the Cardassian system as the remains of one was found in the
early 2370's. As recently as the 22nd century, Bajoran society was strictly divided into D'jarras, or castes. A family's D'jarra determined its status in society, as well as what occupation its members could hold. They brought their art and architecture to countless other worlds before the Cardassian Occupation. |
Recent History | Starting in
Bajor was
claimed by Cardassia to be within their territory. The
formally annexed Bajor in 2339, and the D'jarra caste system was
when all Bajorans, regardless of D'jarra, were called upon to fight
oppression. The level of civilisation seriously declined during
rule from 2328 to 2369 when Bajoran resistance fighters finally drove
away. Over 10 million Bajorans were killed during the Cardassian Occupation. Following the Cardassian withdrawal and a period of civil unrest, a Bajoran provisional government assumed authority for planetary government, led by the Bajoran Chamber of Ministers, which was headed by the Bajoran First Minister. Also highly influential in governmental affairs is the religious Vedek Assembly, led by the Kai. The Provisional Government requested Federation assistance in rebuilding their civilization, and in running a space station the Cardassians had constructed and left behind. The Federation accepted the request, renaming it Deep Space 9. After the Cardassian occupation, the Federation Council agreed to provide the provisional government with two industrial replicators to help them rebuild their economic base. Soon after a stable wormhole was discovered in the system which emerged in the Gamma quadrant. Bajor was suddenly on the new frontier. An extremist group called the "Alliance for Global Unity" (AKA The Circle) attempted a coup in 2371. The DS9 crew discovered that they were being supplied by the Cardassians with a covert aim of re-establishing control over Bajor. When it was revealed to the Governing Council the coup collapsed. In 2371, newly-elected Kai Winn began the process of healing her people's wounds with the signing of a historic peace accord with the Cardassians. The news of the treaty sent shock waves throughout the entire quadrant. With the Federation help, Bajor began an accelerated progress towards full Federation membership, but at the insistence of the Emissary, (DS9 Captain, Benjamin Sisko) they reluctantly postponed membership and signed a non-aggression pact with the Dominion just before the all out war broke out. This removed Bajor from the fighting and the quite real possibility of the destruction of the planet. With the ending of the Dominion War, it is probable that Bajor will finally become a full member of the Federation. |
Bajoran locations | Bantaca Spire -
pillar located
at the centre of all ancient Bajoran cities. Around 11m high and made
hundreds of closely interlocked stones it marks the city's location in
the cosmos. The Emissary determined that this is done by reference to
stars at a particular time of night. Agriculture Ministry - Bajoran government body responsible for the restoration of farming lands on Bajor. Developed machines called Reclaimators to detoxify the large amount of land polluted by the Cardassians during the Occupation. Ministers Court - Bajoran legal body consisting of five senior Ministers. Vedek Assembly - Influential congress of 112 spiritual leaders on Bajor. Led by the Kai, it is of crucial importance in Bajoran politics. |
Bajoran religion | A deeply
Bajorans look to their spiritual leader, the Kai, for leadership and
The Bajoran religious faith has always been a powerful force in their
and helped give the Bajoran people the spiritual strength to survive
brutal Cardassian oppression. The Bajoran religion believes that ships are safely guided through the wormhole by the Prophets and that the Celestial Temple dwells within the passage. Some conservative Bajoran religious leaders, notably Winn, tried to suppress scientific theories of the wormhole's creation, believing that the teaching of science lessened the religious leaders' political power. Bajoran culture declined seriously during decades of Cardassian occupation in the 24th century, during which most Bajorans were driven from their homeworld, but their religion remained a focal point of the culture. An old Bajoran saying holds that "The land and the people are one." Major Kira Nerys mentioned this to Commander Sisko regarding the dispute between the Bajoran factions, the Paqu and the Navot. Most Bajoran homes have a prayer shrine called a Mandala for private worship. It consists of a circular plaque with a shelf for candles and incense. |
Orbs of the Prophets | Also known as "Tears of the
the orbs are hourglass shaped energy formations. Nine of these
devices have been discovered in the Bajoran system over the past 10,000
years and have shaped the Bajoran religion and ideals. All but
a few were taken by the Cardassians during the withdrawal. The
was recovered and placed in the monastery at the Capital city.
Orb of Wisdom was returned to Bajor by the Ferengi. The
treaty called for the return of all Orbs held by the Cardassians.
A number of fake Orbs have appeared over the last few years. Orb Blessing - Ceremony carried out before the entrance of an Orb into a temple. An incense bearer enters followed by two bearers carrying the Orb in a ceremonial case past the kneeling congregation to the priest at the front. [Resurrection] Priest : Dolata impara nul ta kash. (With humility and gratitude we accept this gift). All: Veshi new hiva ha eck kasho. Orb of Prophesy and Change: Blue in color. Also referred to as the Third Orb. Kept in the main Bajoran monastery following recovery from the Cardassians. Orb of Contemplation: Blue-white in color. It was destroyed by a Pah Wraith, that had been freed from entrapment in a small red statue kept in the DS9 temple by Gul Dukat. It was this action that caused all the other Orbs to go black and the Prophets close themselves off from the Bajoran people. Orb of Time: Purple in color. It was returned by the Cardassians in 2372 and caused the USS Defiant to be thrown into the past where the crew witnessed an incident involving the original USS Enterprise. It was discovered that the event was conspired by a Klingon agent called Arne Darvin determined to change the past. It is now located under guard at the Temple of Iponu. Orb of Wisdom: Pink in color. It was returned by the Ferengi Grand Nagus Zek in 2371. Ninth Orb: Green in color it was the only Orb kept hidden by the Bajorans during the Cardassian Withdrawal. |
Bajoran customs | Applause: To show
Bajorans clap with the palm of one hand against the back of the other.
Deaths: Traditional Bajoran beliefs hold that the soul of the dead (or their Pagh) is far more important than the physical remains. The death ritual death chant (Ah kay ah, Ah yah va su, Ko van ha) is repeated continuously for at least 2 hours. Family members have a differnt chant (Raka ja hoot. Shalla moralla. Emma buru kana. Uranak rana non (insert deceased's name). Propay va nara eh suuk. Shalla com.) while a Duranja (ceremonial lamp) burns to mourn the deceased. Itanu Ceremony: Coming of age ceremony performed on Bajoran children when they reach fourteen. Jewelry: Most Bajorans wear an ornamental earring, a symbol of their spiritual devotion. Pledge and Betrothal bracelets are given by a man to a woman he wishes to marry. These bracelets are usually handed down for generations. Meals: Many Bajorans say a small prayer before each meal. The eyes are closed and hands held up palms facing out while the person recites a silent prayer of thankfulness. Names: Under Bajoran custom, a person's family name is first, followed by the given name. Divorce/seperation: The Rite of Separation is an old custom used for the separation of a couple to pursue new relationships. Unlike many other races it does not involve any recriminations or accusations. The couple spend a few days together celebrating the event leading to a small ceremony involving a clay bowl of wine, a witness and the following dialogue. Female: Our paths have grown apart. (drinks) Male: What was one is now two. (drinks) Female: The time for sharing is over. (smashes bowl) May the Prophets guide you towards the path of happiness. Male: And may they walk with you always. (couple face each other then turn heads to the side) Time of Cleansing: Month long ritual when all faithful Bajorans abstain from the pleasures of life. Wedding Ceremony: Bajorans prefer a simple ceremony, where the bride and groom take turns drinking from a bowl while the priest says the following blessings. Bore ah prearrow kaey. Toll ah ta en para boresh. Groom: Pre ah Bride: Pre ah. Both: Abrem. Varo ay tem. |
Bajoran Holidays | Days of Atonement:
holiday where the people remember the Occupation and atone for the
they did during that dark period. Gratitude Festival: One of the biggest Bajoran religious holidays. It involves the ceremonial burning of renewal scrolls inscribed with personal problems. The traditional greeting of the festival is "Peldar Joi" and the Presider repeats a traditional speech (Tesra Peldar Impadre Bren. Bentel Veytan Olan Sten - translation: As the scrolls burn, may our troubles turn to ashes with them) as the sacred flame is lit using a mixture of chemicals. The Presider then has the honour of placing the first scroll in the fire. Ha'mara: Bajoran religious holiday to celebrate the arrival of the Emissary. It is a day of fasting following a festival of lights the night before. Peldor Festival: Ancient Bajoran religious festival. On the eve of the festival the temple chimes are sounded and the smell of burning bateret leaves and incense fills the air. |
Bajoran sayings | May the Prophets guide us
May the Prophets walk with us One can never look into the eyes of one's own gods Look for solutions from within It is the unknown that defines our existence You must never look into the eyes of ones own gods Ideas have consequences Experience is the father of all maturity Lies are the language of fools Fear and wisdom are brothers Nothing justifies genocide Power and fear are a balance Open mindedness reveals the enemy Silence is the supreme of all authority The land and the people are one The truth never dies Only fools ignore wisdom Greed is at the root of all deception Avoidance is better than confrontation Lies are the language of fools A legend will never die |
Bajoran births | Bajoran women carry their children for less than five months. Because they have a relatively short gestation period, they vascularize very quickly. Mother and child form a complex interconnecting network of blood vessels. Bajoran women often have fits of uncontrollable sneezing while pregnant. In Bajoran child birth, relaxation of the mother is essential. Participants at the birthing ceremony play rhythmic instruments to help her reach a fully relaxed state. When the child arrives, all present verbally welcome the child into the world. |
Editors Notes | Bajorans are a very spiritual people, but have developed an intolerance of Cardassians due to the recent Cardassian occupation of Bajor. The Bajoran sense of spirituality is so strong that they have developed a very strong will due to their faith. Most Bajorans have studied their religion fairly extensively. Also, most Bajorans with a highly-developed faith are also devoted to the rebuilding of their world. |
Bajoran Terms | Arbitrator: Bajoran legal
official, equivalent to a Terran judge. Board of Ministers: Committee of Bajoran government ministers that oversee general business, such as the work of the Institute of Science. Dal'Rok: Energy being that attacks a Bajoran village for five days of every year. Made out of villagers fears using a fragment of an Orb. Defeated with the aid of the Sirah and his story to focus the thoughts of the villagers. Story of the Dal'Rok: Tale told by Sirah of Bajoran village to focus villagers and drive away Dal'Rok energy being. The traditional version is given below. "The Dal'Rok wakes, but we are ready. In the shadow of the night he hungers, with the hatred of the ancients he rages, from the twisted pit of chaos he approaches. The Dal'Rok's anger is like a wave crashing down upon the village. The weight of its fury threatens to crush us all. The Dal'Rok thinks the village is powerless to defend itself, but it is mistaken. The village is strong, much stronger than the Dal'Rok can ever imagine. With our strength, our unity, we shall drive the Dal'Rok away. The village shall not be destroyed. Despite our fears we shall stand our ground and face the Dal'Rok. The village is strong, more powerful than the Dal'Rok, together we will use that power to drive it away. The Dal'Rok is defeated, the village is safe." Emissary: Title given to the outsider that would find the Celestial Temple and speak with the Prophets, so preparing the Bajoran people for the prophesied future. When Commander Benjamin Sisko arrived on Bajor in 2369 he was identified as the long awaited prophet by Kai Opaka and did indeed go on to fulfil his destiny and locate the Celestial Temple. Years later his position as Emissary was challenged with the arrival of Akorem Laan, who it turned out had been sent by the Prophets to strengthen the now-promoted Captain Sisko. Even more recently the Emissary cemented his claim to the title by finding the lost city of B'hala, something that only one touched by the Prophets could accomplish. Executive Committee: Bajoran Military body. Starfleet officer Benjamin Sisko invited to address the Generals of this group in late 2369. Koss'Moran: Bajoran legend dealing with the banishment of the Pah-Wraiths. From the Bajoran words "kost" meaning "to be" and "amoran" meaning "banished". Kosst Amojan: The "Evil One". Another name for the Pah Wraiths from Bajoran texts, who are prophesied to be defeated by the Prophets leading to a new golden age. Pagh-Wraiths: Spiritual beings that once resided in the Celestial Temple until they were exposed as false prophets and banished to the Fire Caves where they were imprisoned in crystal fire cages. Forbidden to return to the Celestial Temple else to face the wrath of the true Prophets. The archives contain 6,427 references on these legendary beings. One of these entities possessed Keiko O'Brien in 2372 in an attempt to destroy the Prophets using a beam of chroniton radiation sent from DS9. Pagh Wraith Entrapment: At least one powerful wraith was trapped in a small red statue that unfortunately was taken by the Cardassians when they left Bajor. Dukat performed an ancient ceremony that released the wraith that went on to kill Jadzia Dax and destroy the Orb of Contemplation. "Dara toka petri paran midor. Dara toka olkes paran." Prylar - High rank of priest in the Bajoran religious orders. Usually runs a temple, such as the one on Deep Space Nine. Rongen - High rank of monk in the Bajoran religious orders. In charge of a monastery or other appointment. Search and Excise Laws: Bajoran law expressly prohibits the unwarranted search and seizure of any starships within Bajoran space. Tetrarch: Occasionally used title for the leader of a Bajoran village or rural community, such as the Paqu on Bajor. Vedek: High ranking Bajoran spiritual leader. 112 exist at any time, the positions being assigned by the Vedek Assembly itself. Victory Prayer: Said by the Kai and a number of followers to the vessel of the Prophets at the time of the Reckoning. Kai : "Teradak embra ensahelm ran embra." All : "Daran tareen." |
Month & Year (Terran System) | Activity or Occurance |
500,000 YA | Bajoran civilization flourishes, boasting architects, artists, builders and philosophers. |
20,000 YA | The great, sacred city of B'Hala is lost and eventually buried beneath 200 meters of sediment. |
10,000 YA | The first
Orb is
discovered in the Bajoran system. Bajoran religion comes to be founded
on the wisdom provided by this and and the eight other Orbs which would
later appear. The first attempts to locate the lost city of B'Hala are unsuccessful. |
3,000 YA | Trakor records his visions as prophecies. Several were to come true, including Trakor's Third Prophecy. |
16th C. BC | Using tachyon-powered Lightships, Bajoran explorers journey into surrounding sectors, including the Cardassian system. |
22nd C. AD | A transport carrying Kai Taluno is disabled in the Denorios Belt, where the Kai claims the heavens open up and almost swallow his ship. The Kai would become convinced of his sighting of the Celestial Temple of the Prophets. Renowed poet Akorem Laan is injured in an accident aboard his Lightship, but successfully returns home to complete his career. |
2328 | Bajor is claimed as a territory of the Cardassian Union. Cardassian Occupational Forces arrive on the planet. A number of small underground resistance cells arise, including the Shakaar, the Higa Metar, the Khon-Ma and the Ornathia. Bajorans abandon their strict Dejara caste system, assuming the collective caste of Solider. |
2336 | Bajor is formally annexed as part of the Cardassian Union. Cardassian Occupational Forces install a puppet government which promptly signs work orders sending millions of Bajorans into the harsh conditions of the mines or the labor camps. |
2340 | Ro Laren is born on Bajor. She would later serve as a Starfleet officer aboard the USS Wellington and the USS Enterprise before becoming a Maquis operative. |
2343 | Kira Nerys is born on Bajor in Dahkur Province, her mother an icon painter, her father a member of the Bajoran resistance. She would later serve in the Shakaar resistance cell and as a Major in the Bajoran militia. |
2351 | Terok Nor is built in orbit of Bajor by the Cardassians. It serves as an ore-processing center, using Bajoran labor to refine minerals strip mined from the surface in preparation for transport elsewhere. |
2357 | The prison camp at Gallitep is liberated by the Shakaar resistance. The site is noted for unspeakable atrocities including torture, rape and murder commited against Bajorans under the direction of Gul Darhe'el. |
2360 | A Resistance base at Lunar V is hit by Cardassian forces. Famed resistance leader Li Nalas is believed killed in combat but is instead taken to the Houtet Labor Camp on Cardassia IV. |
2362 | Bajoran resistance members stage an attack against a Cardassian settlement in Tohzat Province. Several Cardassians are killed as well as orphaned in the attack, including the family of the settlement's exarch, Kotan Pa'Dar. |
2365 | The lifeform known as Odo is appointed a Security Chief on the Promenade of Terok Nor, later DS9, by Gul Dukat. His keen investigative skills are complemented by the respect he has earned from both Bajorans and Cardassians for fairness and justice. |
2366 | War between the Cardassian Empire and the Federation is ended in the uneasy signing of a peace treaty. |
Jan 2369 | The Kendra Valley Massacre - Kai Opaka diffuses a situation in Kendra Valley, sacrificing her own son by revealing the location of his resistance cell in order to save the rest of the valley population. 43 lives are lost. |
Feb 2369 | The
Armistice is signed, and Cardassian Supreme Directive 26/45 is issued,
allowing for the full withdrawal of the Cardassian Occupational Forces
from Bajor. The Armistice also deals the return of war prisoners and
issue of Cardassian property remaining on Bajor. The Bajoran Provisional Government is established, with Bajor as its capital. The Ilvian Proclamation is signed into law by the new Bajoran Provisional Government. All collaborators with the Cardassian forces are permanently exiled from Bajor, including all members of the puppet Occupational Government. |
Mar 2369 | Cardassia withdraws from the Bajoran System, leaving Terok Nor behind. Federation renames Terok Nor to DS9 and becomes its administrator with CMDR Benjamin Sisko in command. Mjr. Kira Nerys is assigned as his liason to the Bajoran government. Bajor officially tenders its application for formal memebership in the Federation. |
Apr 2369 | Wormhole near Bajor found by Sisko and LCMD Dax. Sisko is declared to be The Emissary by Kai Opaka. The discovery of the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant places Bajor at a key site in interstellar commerce, science and exploration. |
June 2369 | Kai Opaka is killed on a visit to the Gamma Quadrant. A power struggle ensues to determine her successor. |
Aug 2369 | The settlement on the Jeraddo moon is evacuated in preparation for a power generation project that would leave the moon uninhabitable. |
Oct 2369 | An attempt on the life of Vedek Bareil engineered by Vedek Winn follows a controversy on Deep Space Nine surrounding the secular teaching of the wormhole. |
Jan 2370 | Bajoran
of war are liberated from the Houtet Labor Camp on Cardassia IV,
legendary hero Li Nalas, who is subsequently given the honorary title
Nayvark. Civil unrest grows on Bajor, instigated by The Alliance for Global Unity, commonly known as the Circle. The attempt to seize control of the Provisional Government climaxes in a siege on the Capitol City and Deep Space Nine. Li Nalas is killed. |
March 2370 | Several million Skreean refugees arrive from the Gamma Quadrant, convinced Bajor is their prophesied Promised Land. The Provisional Government decides to refuse them asylum, instead relocating them to a suitable colony elsewhere. |
June 2370 | Vedek Winn is elected the new Kai, following the withdrawal of favorite Vedek Bareil only days before the election. |
Oct 2370 | New Bajor, the Bajoran colony in the Gamma Quadrant, is massacred as part of a display of power by the Dominion, the primary political power of the Gamma Quadrant. A number of ships, including the USS Odyssey are destroyed as part of the show of force. |
Feb 2371 | The assignment of the USS Defiant to Deep Space Nine becomes an integral part of Starfleet defensive posture in response to the new Dominion threat. A mission to contact the Founders of the Dominion partially succeeds in identifying a shapeshifting race known as the Changelings as the Founders. It is discovered that Security Chief Odo of Deep Space Nine is of this race. |
March 2371 | The Orb of Wisdom is returned to Bajor by the Ferengi Grand Nagus... for a small fee. |
May 2371 | A formal Bajor-Cardassia Treaty is finalized and signed by Kai Winn and Legate Turrel. The treaty establishes a final peace between the two states, including exchange of Ambassadors, return of the orbs and war reparations to Bajor for damages during the Occupation. Vedek Bareil dies. |
Jun 2371 | Science Ministry reports that the Bajoran Wormhole has been opened and subspace transmissions are possible into the Gamma Quad. Trakor's Third Prophecy comes to pass, although not in the manner that several alarmist factions caution against. |
Aug 2371 | A joint Cardassian/Romulan preemptive strike on the Founders' homeworld fails. The feared Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar agencies are severely decimated as a result. |
Oct 2371 | Civil unrest in Dakuhr Province follows the death of First Minister Kalem Opren as Kai Winn orders the confiscation of several soil reclamators from local farmers. Former resistance cell leader Shakaar is subsequently elected as the new First Minister. |
Jan 2372 | In
response to the
Dominion threat and internal civil unrest, the Cardassian Union seals
borders. The ruling military regime is overthrown and a new civilian
headed by the Datappa Council, replaces the Central Command.
Interpreting developments in the Cardassian government to be a sign of Dominion inflitration, the Klingon Empire invades the Cardassian Union. The Khitomer Accords, allying the Klingons with the Federation are dissolved. War between the Federation and the Klingon Empire is tenuously averted. |
March 2372 | A joint Bajoran/Cardassian mission to locate crash survivors of the Cardassian prison ship Ravenock succeeds in liberating survivors from a Breen labor camp in the Badlands. |
May 2372 | An
attempt is made on the life of First Minister Shakaar by Cardassian
group "The True Way". Klingon military forces are unsuccessful in an attempt to halt traffic in the Bajoran sector by mining the Bajoran star system due to Starfleet intervention. |
July 2372 | A 200-year
old Lightship
exits the Wormhole, carrying renowed 22nd-century poet Akorem Laan. The
title of Emissary is subsequently transferred to him for a time. In
role, he attempts to revive the archaic Bajoran practice of the D'jarra
caste system with dire results. It is later determined he is not in
the Emissary and is returned to his own time by the Prophets.
An outbreak of Tomeklian virus is reported on Bajor, requiring the inspection of all exported foodstuffs as a precautionary measure. |
Sept 2372 | The Bajoran colony of Freehaven, near the Cardassian border, is targeted by Breen privateers. The Federation starship USS Defiant aides in driving away the pirates. |
Dec 2372 | Political tensions between the Klingon Empire and the Federation escalate as Gowron initiates provacative action against several border worlds. |
Jan 2373 | Relations between the Federation and the Klingon Empire disgress to a state of war. Numerous ships, colonies, outposts and stations are placed at the forefront of the conflict. |
March 2373 | An attempt
is made
to destroy the Prophets by one of the fabled Pagh Wraiths, freed from
Fire Caves and inhabiting the body of a human female. The Orb of Time is returned to the Bajoran people by the civilian Cardassian government in a gesture of peace. |
June 2373 | After the
of an important icon featuring the ancient lost city of B'Hala, the
Cpt. Benjamin Sisko, experiences a pagh temfar and locates the lost
based on the icon. As part of his prophetic experience, the Emissary
warns against the immediate acceptance of Federation membership.
The Federation offers membership to Bajor, which is later postponed based on prophetic warnings from the Emissary, Cpt. Benjamin Sisko. |
Sept 2373 | Poltical tensions in the region increased dramatically after the announcement of Cardassia's inclusion in the Dominion. The resulting permanent militarization of Jem'Hadar forces in the region have provoked a similar response from Starfleet as well as the Klingons, the Khitomer Accords reinstated. A Dominion attempt to destroy the Bajoran system by sending the Bajoran sun into supernova was thwarted by quick thinking on the part of the DS9 crew. |
Oct 2373 | War breaks out between the UFP/Klingon empire and the Dominion/Cardassian empire. |
2374 | Bajoran system re-occupied by the Dominion/Cardassian empire. |
2375 | Romulans join the UFP/Klingons in the war, while the Breen join the Dominion/Cardassians. |
2376 | The joint Klingon/Romulan/UFP alliance re-take the Bajoran system. Dominion withdraws to Cardassian space, and begin re-building. The UFP and their allies launch a major offensive and were surprised with the sudden reversal of the Cardasian fleet which joined them in attacking the Dominion/Breen! The war ends, and rebuilding begins. |