Romulan Allied
Description Unknown
Size Medium (assumed)
Skin Pigment Unknown
Hair Unknown
Distinguishing Features They have very photo-sensitive skin and generally wear dark robes in public.  Can see some of the infrared spectrum providing vision in low-light.  
Series TNG: "Unification part 1&2"
Planet of Origin Barolia
Quadrant Beta
Background A world on the edge of Romulan Space, it became affiliated with the Romulans sometime before 2365.  It is believed that the Barolians provide extensive industrial and commercial facilities for the Romulan Empire.  They operate a few slow freighters, but otherwise have limited interstellar capability except for pirate or rogue ships.
Editors Notes A visual record of trade negotiations from 2365 provided positive identification of Romulan Senetor Pardek and Ambassador Spock in 2369.
ST: Continuum, and Memory Alpha
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