Federation Member.
Year of Admission sometime before 2364
Description Humanoid, Bipedal
Size Medium
Skin Pigment Blue
Hair White
Distinguishing Features Fleshy whiskers at corners of mouth.
Series TNG: "Coming of Age", DS9: "Apocalypse Rising", "The Ship"
Planet of Origin Benzar
Quadrant Beta
Background Benzar has an atmosphere similar to class M, but Benzites in class M environments at one time needed a respiration device to provide supplemental gases for proper respiration. This is no longer required due to advances in Benzite medical technology.
Editors Notes They are also noted for their pursuit of knowledge - Benzites excel at science and engineering during Academy studies.  They will even occasionally take foolish risks in order to retrieve a particularly rare bit of data.  Benzites are excellent at games and computer programming.  They are often considered egotistical by human standards.  All Benzites from the same geostructure are identical in appearance.  A recently admitted Federation member, Benzar citizen Mordock became first the Benzite in Starfleet, winning appointment to Starfleet Academy in 2364.
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