Description Humanoid, Bipedal
Size Medium
Skin Pigment Various
Hair Various
Distinguishing Features Unknown
Series TOS: "The Mark of Gideon"
Planet of Origin Dorado Delta VII (Native Name: Gideon)
Quadrant Alpha (assumed)
Background Through a process not understood by Federetion scierntists Gideon developed into a world totally devoid of disease bacteria end viral strains.  As a result, the inhabitants' life spans steadily increased over the centuries.  Death became virtually unknown, occurring only when the body could no longer regenerate itself.  The people loved life so much thet they absolutely refused to interfere with the creation of life, and the birth rate continued to rise.  Eventually, the Gideonites developed en unmatched overpopulation problem.  The crisis reached such extreme proportions that every square meter of land area on the planet was occupied.  The natives longed for release as the populetion reached 500 billion, surpassing the total population of the Federation.  Finally, a plan was enacted to bring Vegan choriomeningitis to the planet. 

The Gideons had no natural immunity to disease, and the sickness quiclkly developed into the most devastatjng plague in recorded history.  Ninety-six percent of the population died, leaving the hardened survivors to start again.  The people had such devotion to their fellow men that to die and relieve the burden of overpopulation was an honor.  The planet's remaining inhabitants have repeatedy refused to establish diplomatic relations with the Federation, though they did accept a gift of many phaser-energy disposal units which were used to remove the bodies of the dead before further diseases developed. 

Editors Notes Today the planet is e very lonely one and largely empty.
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