Description Saurian, Bipedal
Size Medium
Skin Pigment ?
Hair ?
Distinguishing Features Tall fin-like dorsal ridge that extends through the center of the scalp and down the back to the base of the spine.  Sharp teeth and claws, a full tail longer than the legs.
Series ?
Planet of Origin Histah
Quadrant Alpha
Background They are from an Earth-like world beyond the Cardassian border near the Gamma Quadrant border.  Due to their star being slightly larger than Sol, Histah developed virtually all tropical in nature, except at the poles, where the climate is moderate.  The gravity is Terran normal.  Once a very violent society, with a lot of fighting between families, tribes, and clans they overcome other predators on their homeworld, and over time, this feuding was replaced with a desire to excel in fields like science, business, or engineering continuing to the present.  Their strict Code of Honor binds them to 1st: family, 2nd: tribe, 3rd: clan, 4th: race.  They still have some clan, tribal, and family feuds, although over time these have changed to the "We can do better than you" stage.  The interrelationships between family, tribe, clan, and race are considered by Federation historians to be similar to Terran Native Americans.  Histah society is now exploration/colonization based, only recently reaching the borders of the Federation.  They have several dozen systems under their control, and are called a Collective.  Strangely enough, Histah had not encountered any other intelligent races up until the point when their border met the Federation.  The Histah and the Federation are tentatively investigating a union of their borders, in a compact similar to the Klingon peace treaty.  This is the first time in Federation history that an intelligent race has initiated a First Contact. 
Editors Notes Resemble a highly evolved form of the Terran Velociraptor.  They have three fingers and an opposable thumb on each hand, and three claws and one dew claw on each foot.  Their reptilian appearance distracts most humanoids.  Histah prefer to eat their food live, but have made small concessions in their diet since their meetings with the Federation First Contact teams. 

Histah reflexes are sharper than Terrans, and they can move quickly for a creature of their size and weight.  Their skin provides extra protection from damage.  Their eyes are on opposite sides of their head, giving them peripheral vision in addition to forward vision. and they have nictating membranes to protect their eyes from extremes of light.  They are used to a hot climate, and do not like cold.  They have a second sense for dangerous situations.  They live much longer than average, and have a very strong will, they tend not to like individuals with psychic/telepathic powers. 

Histah have a three-part name.  The example we will use is: Barshen'kas Li'Ar Shan'hadar (pronounced: Bars-hen-khas Lee-Arr Shan-ha-dar.)  The first part is really more like a planetary rank than a name.  The "Bars" section shows that this individual has been decorated by the government of the Histah more than once.  One decoration is indicated by "Bar".  No "Bar" or "Bars" would indicate no decorations.  The decorations are not given by the Histah government easily or lightly.  It is considered a great honor to be decorated once.  More than once indicates an exceptional individual.  The "Hen'kas" is a rank, in this case close to our "Captain".  The "Li'Ar" is similar to our first name.  The example would allow friends to call him "Lee", but only in private.  The "Shan'Hadar" is a combination of a family and a tribal name, with the "Shan" being the family name, and the "Hadar" being the Tribal name.  Clans are indicated by decorations on their clothing or bodies.

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