Presumed UFP Member (or protectorate)
Description Humanoid, Bipedal
Size Medium
Skin Pigment Varies
Hair Varies
Distinguishing Features Indistinguishable from Humans
Series TOS: "Bread and Circuses"
Planet of Origin UFC 892 IV (Native Name: Magna Roma)
Quadrant Alpha (assumed)
Background On Magna Roma the Roman Empire has not never fallen and so you watched to an astonishing mix of technology and cruelty like the slavery and shows of gladiatorial.  Also Magna Roma has known the advent of the Christianity, but it here has not had the necessary push to break her structure of the Empire, if not after two millennia.  From that moment, Magna Roma has abandoned the slavery and the sanguinary shows and is been on its way toward a quick development.
Editors Notes The UFC system 892 is very similar to the sol system, with the exception of a planet so close to the sun to can be considered practically to the fused state.  The fourth planet is absolutely identical to the Earth, as sizes and as continental configuration.  In effects it looks like an exact duplicate of the Earth of the 5th century.  The evolution of Great Rome demonstrates the Hodgkins Law of Parallel Planetary Development, according to which similar planets with similar populations and similar backgrounds evolve in similar manner.
 Some Information provided by the Lost Races of TOS.
Picture Gallery
Magna Romani