Description Humanoid, Bipedal
Size Large
Skin Pigment Tan
Hair Brown/Black
Distinguishing Features Enlarged nose, extensive body hair.
Series TOS: "The Galileo Seven"
Planet of Origin Taurus II
Quadrant Alpha (assumed)
Background The dominant life form on Taurus II is a large, anthropoid creature that stands approximaeely eighteen feet tall. Primitive in culture, the Taurean creatures live in small nomadic groups that attack one another constantly using crude tools and spears, they wear the furs of other animal forms they kill.
Editors Notes Taurus II is the second of thrteen planets in orbit around Beta Taun, a blue giant star located within the Murasaki 312 phenomenon, a quasar-like nebular cloud known to interfere with and even destroy the guidance and sensor systems of spacecraft that cross its borders.  USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN TRAVELING IN THIS AREA OF SPACE
Some Information provided by the Lost Races of TOS.
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