I was born on Z'ha'dum. My family wes one of the lucky few that served only the shadows in their largest city. That is where most of the warrior shadows lived. They were commonly out on errands so they left thier houses for us to enjoy when they were away. Strangly the warriors were most kind. I did realise when I was about 15 they were doing this for a reason. They wanted us to try and continue their work while they were asleep, for we were not bound as they were to sleep. They allowed us to make our own ships that were not as powerful as the shadow's but still very combat effective. The Minbari suddenly acuired a new base and they forced us as well as the shadows to sleep. When I awoke I became a fighter pilot. I was not active for a long time as the shadows were doing most of the work. I was about to return home when it happened. Sheriden went to Z'ha'dum and my home was bombed. My first reaction and the first reaction of everyone on board the ship was vengeance. But we had to follow the shadows. When the shadows left we plotted revenge. Then also our homeworld was destroyed. I was there when we contacted Delenn and asked her to let us use planets around Minbari space. The fools attacked! When they came back they destroyed most of our ships. That killed my father and my sister. I now have no family and I joined the Rangers. I have no special love for the Rangers, Minbari, telepaths, or the Alliance, as I am sure you will understand. I will not betray you, but do not expect me to be kind to them outside of duty. I will not harm them, just do not expect me to make friends.  Also if you want to know why my name is human, I selected it to fit in as my real name is half a page long..