Title: 155 Words or the Shortest Wrongfully Accused Story
Author: RedThunder
E-mail: redthunder@excite.com
Category: SHR
Rating: PG-13
Keywords: Character death
Summary: Okay, okay, I promised. Fowley dies. sheesh...
Archive: 155 Words. Everyone else, please ask first.
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, but I'm sure having more fun with them than CC is.

155 Words or the Shortest Wrongfully Accused Story
by RedThunder

Mulder and Fowley were having an affair. He felt guilty about it, but after five years of
self-satisfaction, he needed to do the wild tango with a partner, and Scully had said no. So,
he hunted down his former flame and went about trying to set the record for number of
new positions.

Scully found out and was so mad that she resigned. Depressed, Mulder went to Diana, only
to find that she had been murdered. The police came by seconds later and arrested him.

Skinner came to check on him in jail. "We'll get you out of this."

"Thanks. But what I really need is Scully. It's been a couple of weeks, and I'm ready to do
the horizontal mambo again."

Skinner kindly understood and got Scully to come back, and they solved the case
(Krycek did it -- duh!) Free, Mulder went over to Scully's house and she slammed the
door in his face.


"Will [withheld to protect the innocent] for feedback."