TITLE: 157 Words: Spooning
AUTHOR: Blueswirl
E-MAIL: Blueswirl@aol.com
RATING: NC-17 ish smut
ARCHIVE: 155 Words Archive OK; anywhere
else, please ask first
SUMMARY: "Nothing bad can come from
spooning." - Barbara H.
DISCLAIMER: Don't really need one;
there are no names used here, but even if
they were, they're not mine, OK?
For Shari. :)157 Words:
by Blueswirl
7 April 99
The rain beat against the window, a rhythmic nighttime
He crawled beneath the covers and scooted close so that
his naked skin touched hers.
A simple, shared joy. A hidden, primal
She sighed, tucking her head in the space between his
shoulder and his chin, reveling in the
luxury of his presence.
Taking her soft murmur as his cue, he slipped one arm
around her waist to rest at her hip,
and raised the other hand to cup her breast.
"Still cold?" he asked.
"A little," she said.
He placed a tender kiss on the back of her neck and then
slid his hand further down, his
fingers gliding smoothly past the soft damp curls between
her legs and plunging deep inside.
A spark of electric current shuddered up her spine and
she rocked back against his cock,
warming them both.
"Better?" he wondered.
"Oh yes," she moaned, as the tension slipped
Feedback is worshipped at Blueswirl@aol.com.
Blue :)
"Every moment is a new adventure waiting to be