TITLE: 157 Words: Nothing
AUTHOR: Blueswirl
E-MAIL: Blueswirl@aol.com
RATING: NC-17 ish smut
ARCHIVE: 155 Words Archive OK; anywhere else, please ask first
SUMMARY: Field work can be fun
DISCLAIMER: Don't really need one;  there are no names used here, but even if
they were, they're not mine, OK?

157 Words: Nothing
by Blueswirl
6 April 1999

He said nothing, but he felt the molten heat of her stare as they walked through the woods.

He said nothing, but he took her hand and followed the beacon of her auburn hair away
from the group, deep into the dank, wet forest.

He said nothing, but he gasped when she stopped and pushed him roughly up against a tree. 

He said nothing, but his heart raced as her nimble fingers unbuckled his belt and unzipped
his trousers, as she smiled wickedly and knelt to pull his underwear down.

He said nothing, but he moaned as she cradled his balls in her palm and slipped him into her
mouth and took him to the moon and back. 

He said nothing, but he savored the wet, salty kiss she gave him before leaving to rejoin
the others.

He said nothing, but he made a mental note to wear his glasses into the field more often. 


Feedback is worshipped at Blueswirl@aol.com.   :)

Blue  :)

"Every moment is a new adventure waiting to be lived."