TITLE: 155 Words 3; OR Wedding
Bells and Slash AUTHOR: Brandon D. Ray E-MAIL: publius@avalon.net SPOILERS: Fire RATING: PG CONTENT WARNING: Parody; Mulder and Scully married; slash CLASSIFICATION: SRA, MSR; Maggie/Skinner; Bill, jr./Phoebe Greene; Langly/Byers; Frohike/Mulder's vide SUMMARY: More cliches...but I can quit anytime I want to. Really. DISCLAIMER: Nope, I do not own these characters or situations. If I were THAT smart, I would be rich. ARCHIVE: Anywhere and everywhere, so long as my name stays on it and no money changes hands. FEEDBACK: Oh, hell yes.... 155 Words 3 OR Wedding Bells and Slash After they'd been having sex for a few days Mulder and
Scully stopped long enough During the wedding Bill came and tried to stop them,
but Scully beat him up. Then Bill and Phoebe realized they had a lot in common and
decided to get married. And Mulder and Scully had the bridal suite, and they let
Phoebe and Bill use the extra |