TITLE: 155 Words 9, OR the Shortest
"Downtime" Story Ever Written AUTHOR: Brandon D. Ray E-MAIL: publius@avalon.net SPOILERS: Geez. Nothing really, looked at in one way. The whole damned series looked at the other way. Oh, and lots of spoilers for Sheryl Martin's "Downtime" series. ;) RATING: PG CLASSIFICATION: SRH CONTENT WARNING: PARODY. Fur-lined handcuffs. A red nightie. DISTRIBUTION: Anywhere and everywhere, so long as my name stays on it and no money changes hands. FEEDBACK: Go ahead; knock yourself out. SUMMARY: This one's for Sheryl, because she's had a bad week. ;) DISCLAIMER: See, back in 1985 I was in this tavern in Cambridge, Mass, waiting for my friend Joe to show up so we could have some beers together. He was late, though, and I struck up a conversation with a surfer dude named Chris. We got to talking, and I told him about this way cool idea I had for a TV show about a couple of FBI agents who chased UFO's together and either were or were not in love with each other depending on which episode you watched. He thought it was a cool idea, too, and I was so drunk I signed this waiver, and -- wait...get away from me with that needle! I've already had my thorazine for today! No... 155 Words 9 or the Shortest "Downtime" Story Ever Written by Brandon D. Ray Mulder and Scully had just got back from a case that lasted from May to November but only took a couple of days. They were tired and they'd been suspended and they decided to spend the week at Scully's place and not have sex. While they were at Scully's not having sex Jackie St. George came over for the fur-lined handcuffs she'd loaned to Scully, but the petite redhead said she'd had to send them to the fur-lined handcuff cleaning place because she'd spilled something on them. Mulder waggled his eyebrows and Mary Sue -- er, Jackie -- laughed raucously. They watched TV and ate popcorn and cuddled on the couch even though they were only platonic friends. Then they fell asleep and Scully dreamed about Emily and Mulder dreamed about Scully wearing the red nightie from Downtime 4, then they woke up and it was Monday and they had to go to work again. The End Visit my fanfic; it gets lonely: http://www.avalon.net/~publius/MyStories.html |