Title: 155 Words: Rye Amusement
Author: JourneyToX
Rating: Naughty
Spoilers: Arcadia
Archive: 155 Words Archive
Summary: Eat me.... :)
Disclaimer: They belong to Chris but I'd buy them a sandwich for lunch if I could.
Inspired by: all the great food smut writers, and my husband's munchies.

NOT a part of the "Ripe" "Sweet" Fruit series

155 Words: Rye Amusement
by JourneyToX
April 5, 1999

Mulder dreamed of nothing.  A scent, not his. A movement, not his. Wrong. A touch.
Very wrong.  Dream blown away like smoke in the wind. Huh?

Roll over. Try to. Cannot. Bound. Danger!

A flare of lamplight caught the silver on his wrists, and the devilish blue of Scully's eyes.

"What the hell?"

"I'm hungry, Mulder."she replied, without even a Mona Lisa smile.


No effect on her, not even an enigmatic eyebrow.

"Uncuff me and I'll go get you banana pancakes."

That earned him a snort.

Swiftly, she stripped the covers and boxers from Mulder's helpless and now enthralled
body. Scully fished in a paper bag.

He closed his eyes and sighed but popped them open again......

Pastrami, on his belly? Gulden's mustard, on his nipples? Was that cole slaw on his...?

"Do you remember Arcadia, Mulder?" Scully said, licking her lips.

"Woman, make me a sammich!" Mulder sighed.

And she did.



I'd like Feedback with a side of chips, a pickle and a cold Fat Tire beer,

XF 'Ho No. 405, Xeminar 99, X2K, SEEPS, BYFP, Smutaholic
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"Did I look adorable?"  Mitch Pileggi, Season 4 Gag Reels. :-)