Title: 155 Words: Happy Easter, Sir
Author: KassXF
E-mail: kassxf@aol.com
Category: Slash M/Sk
Disclaimer:I Don't own them. Fox, CC, and 1013 do. No infringement intended.
Spoilers: None
Summary: Skinner, Mulder, and a box of Peeps

155 Words: Happy Easter, Sir
by KassXF

Post-coital relaxation.  Skinner was annoyed when Mulder got out of bed and left the room,
returning with what looked like an egg carton of alien material. "What *are* those."

Mulder beamed.  "It's a surprise for you.  Don't you celebrate Easter?"

Declining to respond, Skinner watched Mulder open the carton.  Definitely alien.  "Mulder,
they look vaguely diseased."

Mulder grinned.  "Peeps are Easter tradition."

Skinner sighed. "By which I'm to understand that they're chicks?"

Mulder beamed.  "Bingo. Happy Easter, Walter."

Skinner rubbed the bridge of his nose. He found Mulder's more whimsical moments out
of the office attractive, but…"No chocolate rabbits?"

Mulder chortled.  "Tomorrow. Replenish your energy with carbohydrates."

"Polymers."  Skinner tweaked Mulder suggestively.  "Come here."

Charmed by this notion, Mulder moved closer.  "Why, Walter," he began, but Skinner
stopped him from talking in the usual expedient fashion.

He was damned if he was going to eat anything that looked like an X file.

Except for Mulder.
