Title: 155 Words or The Moment of
Truth - What's in a Name
Author: KateSwan
E-Mail: kateswan@triton.net
Rated: PG
Disclaimer: Mulder & Scully belong
to Fox, 10-13 and Chris Carter. No
infringement intended..
Summary: You guys made it
look like fun
155 Words or The Moment of Truth:
What's In a Name
by Kateswan
"It was a good thing I installed that camera
when we realized he had
that waterbed," Frohike said, waving a
videocassette at Langly.
"You watched it without me?" Langly whined.
"Whats on it?"
Frohike winked. "Hot stuff! They're humping like
The sight of Scully's perky little breasts bouncing in
that overhead
mirror seem to be making Mulder scream ... I wanted to
scream myself -
if you focus on her tattoo, it looks like someone's doing
tricks with a
"You're killing me here," Langly yanked at the
leg of his jeans.
"The end's the best," Frohike gloated, wiping
steam off his glasses.
"They get to the moment of truth and it looks like
Mulder goes into
convulsions. Not that she minds! She got off like a
rocket. Too bad."
"Too bad?" Langly squeaked. "How long have
we been waiting for something
like this?"
"I know," Frohike said sadly. "If only she
hadn't yelled SKINNER! when
she came."
Kathy S.
Mom In Black