. The winds of time
And the winds of change
Walk hand in hand and only
by writing and printing the accounts
of our people places and times
can we forever hold onto the past

~*W E L C O M E*~

Welcome to The library of Naronis Weyr. We have much info, documants and just plain fun stuff to offer you. As time goes on we hope to be one of the largest pern info recorces but for now well have to settle for a few basics to inspire you to read the books if you have not already done so. Looking through these types of pages is great but there is no match for the books written by the dragon lady herself. Ms. Anne McCaffery! We hope you enjoy yourselves and if you have anything to contribute please do so.

~* Nissa & Alemni*~


~*The Record Hall
~*The Art Archives
~*Dragon's and their riders listings
~*Poems about the Dragon
~*History and General overview
~*Strange and weird facts

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