Magicmoonz Thoughts
Romance Page 2


Welcome to my 2nd page on romance. These are some of my thoughts on romance and what I feel is important in a relationship. I've also added a section of quotes.
Thank you for visiting.


Male or Female; It is really nice to give flowers,
especially after a misunderstanding.

If your lady says, "I love flowers"
HINT: give flowers often.
At least once a month.. It will be appreciated
and will make a difference.
It does not have to be roses everytime.
There is many beautiful flowers out there.

Always remember: We are human,
we do make mistakes.

Don't be cruel.

Are you thinking of someone special?
How about letting that person know…call,
write a note, e-mail, send flowers….
use your imagination.

Scented candles, a must have for romantics.
Pssst… that could be one of those
" Just because" gifts.

Everyone has to like stuffed animals.
And they come in all shapes and sizes.

Phone calls are important.
If you say you're gonna call… do it.

Promptness is a good thing.

Couples: Dinner out at least once a month!!!!
Make it happen. You need it!!You deserve it.

Gonna be late…
show you care and make that call.

Honesty, very important!!!

Lies… Deception… very, very bad.

If you really love someone… be nice,
be respectful of that other person,
and don't just say I love you… show it!

Couples: Ok. This goes to male and female.
When it comes to "Housework"
Please share in the work.
Even if one of you does not work (outside the home).
That person needs a break from
his or her daily job, too.
It can become tiring and overwhelming
…doing the same work,
day after day, everyday.
Especially if there are little ones involved.
I sure know about this, I have two boys.

Hugs are great!

Loyalty is another good thing!

Gift idea: Charm bracelet, add charms as time goes by.
Anniversary's, Birthdays,
Holidays, and Special Occasions.

Bubble baths…lots of bubbles,
scented candles, whatever pleases you both.


"Talk not of wasted affection!
Affection never was wasted…"
~ Henry W. Longfellow

" And stand together, yet not too near together.
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
and the oak tree and cypress grow
not in each other's shadow."
~ Kahlil Gibran

"Romance is the appreciation of two people
who are celebrating the lucky coincidence
that they found each other."
~ G.J.P.G.

" I have spent my days stringing and unstringing
my instrument while the song I came
to sing remains unsung."
~Rabindranath Tagore

" Love creates an 'us' without destroying a 'me'."
~ Leo Buscaglia

" We are each of us angels with one wing.
And we can only fly embracing each other."
~ Luciano de Crescenzo

" I do not want to make reasons for you to stay,
Only reasons for you to return."
~ Jonivan

" At the heart of each of us, whatever our imperfections,
there exists a silent pulse of perfect rhythm,
a complex of wave forms and resonances ,
which is absolutely individual and unique and yet
which connects us to everything in the universe,"
~ George Leonard

" It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential to the eye."
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

" You can give without losing anything."
~ G.J.P.G.

" A relationship is an act of creativity.
You either re-create each and every day,
or you're stuck with something old,
inadequate and, ultimately, boring."
~ G.J.P.G.

" Fantasy: A glimpse at our deeper desires---
a creative exploration of our dreams."
~ G.J.P.G.

" Minds are like parachutes---
they work best when open."
~ Anonymous

"Romance is the environment in which love flourishes."
~ G.J.P.G.

" I am, in every thought of my heart, yours"
~ ?

"Thank you for your presence in my life…
you encourage me to go beyond myself."

" Most of us go through life not knowing what we want,
but feeling darned sure this isn't it."
~ Anonymous

"Speaking our feelings is necessary.
But when you reach the point of needing to convey
' I love you more than I can say'---
that's when a kiss says it all. "
~ G.J.P.G.

"Sex is 90% of a bad relationship,
and 10% of a good relationship."
~ Anonymous

" You can disagree without arguing."
~ G.J.P.G.


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