The Maze Rats - Agents

Who does make up the crew of the (former) Typhoon? What strange abilities does this mix of pirates, martial artist, hucksters, undead, and priests employ? Come with us now as we take a look...

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Captain Sim Yut-San Stud 3 / Influence 3 / Cost 10 / Upkeep 2 / Fixed

My lord commands me to take on the role of pirate, so a pirate I have become. You might not think it, but I once was a simple businessman and enforcer, not unlike Chin. Now, however, I sail the waters of the Maze. It doesn't take merely a skilled sailor, but a skilled leader to command this rowdy crew. Lord Kang will not find that I have failed in the task he has set for me.

Captain Sim's Notes: Expensive but deadly. He is a formidable fighter, but also gives the Rats a high degree of mobility regardless of their Outfit. He may not be the Rats' best fighter, but his mobility assures that they can move and strike at many opponents before they have time to fully mobilize a posse together to repel an attack. Use him. A lot.

Captain Sim Yut-San (experienced) Stud 3 / Influence 3 / Cost 9 / Upkeep 2 / Rare (also in Pine Box)

Now that we're in town, it is time to cast aside the ways of the sailor, and return to the ways of the conqueror, the enforcer, the extortionist. I have no illusions about what I do. As Lord Kang commands, so do I perform.

Captain Sim's Notes: I must admit I've never seen a great deal of use to this incarnation of the good Captain. It's not like the Rats have that much spare Influence that they can afford to lose three points. Still, if Sim times it carefully, he can reduce a key Dude's Influence and take control of a Deed or even win the game. Still, overall I've tended to find the original inexperienced version of more use, just because that mobility ability is so good.

Mark Texeria
Chin Wei-Lun Draw 1 / Influence 2 / Cost 5 / Upkeep 0 / Rare (also in Pine Box)

Yes, at one time Captain Sim was a businessman much as I was. However, the requirements of his Lord Kang and Rose Petals Su have forced him to becoome a sailor. That leaves me as the leading intellect of this organization in Gomorra. Not that I would dream of usurping Captain Sim's place. He's is skilled in the leading of men...while my talent lies in removing property from men through more subtle means.

Captain Sim's Notes: He's got no Upkeep, and Influence! That right there makes him worth much more than the mere 5 GR you pay for him. Almost certainly a starting Dude in your MR posse if you have him. Use of a War Paint and he might even be able to take a Strike for the Original Rats all by his lonesome.

Po Yu Draw 0 / Influence 2 / Cost 5 / Upkeep 1 / Huckster 2 / Rare (Uncommon in Pine Box)

As Rose Petals Su commands, so do I follow. She has commanded that a sorcerer, what the Westerners crudely call "hucksters," accompany Captain Sim. As she commands, so is it my duty to follow. In this way can the gods' will be fulfilled.

Captain Sim's Notes: Not a bad starting Dude, as with a initial Production of +4 the Rats can afford Po Yu's 1 Upkeep, and he provides Influence 2. A tough choice between Po and Chin. Use Chin if you're not worried about Hucksters (he has a higher Value). If you want to use Hexes, though, go with Po Yu.
Jim Crabtree

Po Yu (experienced) Stud 0 / Influence 3 / Cost 6 / Upkeep 2 / Huckster 3 / MoH Rare

My studies have taught me much. Mitobu is not the only one who can down Abominations with a cast of his harpoon. Having learned the true names of such beasts, now I can conserve my magic for other things.

Captain Sim's Notes: Expensive, but one of the few Hucksters with a 3 in the game (Whateley or otherwise). The Abomination-acing ability isn't bad, either. The main problem is that he's kinda pricey, and you're almost certainly not going to want to start with him. I haven't found his 8-Value to work very well in the decks I've built to date, either. So if you don't start him and you don't want him in your deck...

Po Yu (experienced 2) Stud 0 / Influence 3 / Cost 10 / Upkeep 2 / Huckster 3 / Kung-Fu / DUO

The time has finally come. Captain Sim is important, but I am the one that Lord Kang has put in charge. Between our flying pets, machines such as the Kang's Pride, our mystical abilities, and our mastery of the Kung-Fu, nothing can stand before us!

Captain Sim's Notes: A little pricey, but well worth it. He becomes a Stud, can still cast Hexes (even at least one of the booting type), and and can boost up one of the more powerful fighter types by at a least a +3 Bullet bonus. Combined with the advanced mobility of some of the other Maze Rat-type enhancements, and Po should kick some major butt in both shootouts and hex-casting.
Pete Venters

Finnegan O'Malley Draw 3 / Influence 1 / Cost 6 / Upkeep 1 / Common

So ya want to cross swords with me, do you, laddy? Let's see how you do, then. You won't mind if I use a gun to even the odds? Just because I'm a pirate doesn't mean I'll be stickin' to a cutlass.

Captain Sim's Notes: A good fighter, and a nice inherent Fannin' The Hammer. Slap a Pearl-Handled Revolver on him and let him go. He seems to cost about right, and at least he has a point of Influence to go with that Upkeep.

Chester Nero Draw 2 / Influence 1 / Cost 4 / Upkeep 1 / Harrowed / Common (Uncommon in Pine Box)

Richard Boothe: Shiver me timbers, for Chester is a Rat right out of Davey Jones' locker. Arrrh, he's not a pretty one to look at, but I'd be glad to call him long as he stays downwind of me.

Captain Sim's Notes: Kinda low value, but he's not bad as a starting Dude (he's got Influence!), and at least it's relatively unlikely he'll get Aced. Discarded with that 4-Value, but not Aced. If you start him, it might actually be viable for you to use some Harrowed Power cards in your deck (like Devil's Touch). You can always slap a Pearl-Handled Revolver on him, making him a halfway decent fighter overall.
Mike Kimble

Ron Chironna
Chester Nero (experienced) Stud 2 / Influence 1 / Cost 6 / Upkeep 2 / Harrowed / RoS Uncommon

"Buckets" Nelson: Me ole shipmate Chester is takin' to land like a fish to...ummm, what I mean to be sayin' is that it don't look like the salt water was helpin' him that much. Besides, gettin' out of the water had its own advantages. Not that my...'camp followers' were ever tempted to take a nibble out of him. Not enough blood to attract them. But poor Chester, he tended to get kinda gnawed away at by the small fry. Now that he's on dry land, that's no more of a problem for him.

Captain Sim's Notes: For slightly higher cost and upkeep, Chester becomes a Stud and can handle more Harrowed powers. And he's a little easier to keep in play (Value 7 over the original's Value 4). I've never been that impressed with his ability to use two of the same Harrowed power. Basically, he makes a decent fighter if you don't mind the highest cost. And if you're that worried about cost, maybe you'd better do something with your Rats, or pick a different deck. I wouldn't worry much about trying to stack the same Harrowed power on him unless you're really fond of, say, Devil's Touch. And it can be fun to blow away an opponent's Goods in that manner.

Harold Longfellow Draw 1 / Influence 1 / Cost 4 / Upkeep 0 / Non-Unique / Common

Yeah, they call me the "Fagin of Gomorra." Whoever the heck he is. Guess he must have been some really smart businessman or something, just like me.

Captain Sim's Notes: With the introduction of Denton Filmore, this guy is pretty much useless. Some other Outfit could use him since he's non-unique. Although why they would want to is anyone's guess. And therefore it's not like a lot of folks are going to want to use him that his uniqueness makes much difference. I guess use him if you can't get Filmore - he's not too bad a starting Dude. Cheap, and provides 1 Influence. But he seems to have been rednered pretty much obsolete with the introduction of Chao Li and Denton Filmore. Sorry.
Mike Kimble

Mark Texeria
Harold Longfellow (exp) Stud 2 / Influence 1 / Cost 4 / Upkeep 1 / Rev Fixed

While the rest of the Rats were out in the Maze, I came ashore and ran the operations in town. I told Sim that takin' over Gomorra from the inside is how we should have handled it that way from the beginning. But would he listen? Noooo...

Captain Sim's Notes: What a lovely shot. Nice use of silvery reflected moonlight and all. Although I kinda wish we could see the guy's face! Although he does seem to have gotten a shave in his more experienced incarnation (see the inexperienced shot above). Are these even the same guy?!? Oh, the Dude himself? More mobility for the Rats. Get Harold out to a Strike and then bring reinforcements for him directly into play around him. This works equally well for the Original or the Landed Rats. And he's also a Stud with Influence, which makes him worth the Upkeep-1. Basically, there's no reason to ever use the inexperienced Harold. Either replace him with Denton, use the experienced version, or both.

Richard Boothe Draw 2 / Influence 0 / Cost 5 / Upkeep 0 / Common (also in Pine Box)

Aye, Sim claims he "became" a pirate. Some of us, though, have always been pirates. He may act the part, matey, but I am the part!

Captain Sim's Notes: Okay for the Original Rats until they can get someone out there to take it over. The Landed Rats are probably going to rather simply get the Production themselves, though, if they're so inclined. As a minor annoyance he's okay, but begging to be picked off by a quick Ambush or Kidnapping. If he had a point of Influence, Boothe might almost be worth it. Otherwise just use him if you've got a spare slot and not enough Rats elsewhere.
Tom Fowler

Mark Texeria
Richard Boothe (exp) Draw 3 / Influence 1 / Cost 6 / Upkeep 1 / Rev Rare

I make this pirate suit look good!

Captain Sim's Notes: Not very useful. He's got a Bullet-3 Value - why bother booting him to gain some temporary production when you probably control the Deed and can Boot Boothe to just take the darn thing? If it's a more productive Strike and you need more Bullet-value out there... get it out there! What are you waiting for? Although he's a Revelations-set release, Boothe's ability is pretty much redundant for the Landed Rats. Maybe if you can't control a Deed to gain the production, use him. Again, he's kinda vulnerable to Ambush attempts and the sort, though.

Marko Mussovich: Stud 1 / Influence 0 / Cost 2 / Upkeep 0 / Non-Unique / Common (also in Pine Box)

My alliance with Kang and his cutthroats is purely temporary. When I have raised enough money, and struck enough terror, I shall go my separate ways. Until then, those also serve who stand and terrorize townfolk.

Captain Sim's Notes: Nice and cheap and...that's about it. A very cheap Stud. He's got no Influence (as a Maze Rat, no surprise there). Unfortunately, his Ace-Value and low bullet-rating mean make sure he tends to die a short and brutal death at the hands of someone with a Shotgun or who is Shootin' from the Hip. Until then, run with him as best you can. Don't feel too bad about it if he dies - that tends to happen a lot.

Mark Texeria
Mitobu Stud 1 / Influence 0 / Cost 3 / Upkeep 0 / Common (also in Pine Box)

You be wantin' Mitobu to be killin' a Hoodoo for you? No problem. I'n'I be tendin' to it momentarily.

Captain Sim's Notes: A good all-around Abomination killer. He can provide a decent Stud-bonus in a shootout as well if you don't need his killer ability. Not bad for the low cost you pay for him. His only downside is his pathetically low Value, which tends to make him Shotgun-fodder. But given his cost (I mentioned it was low, right), it's well worth the risk. Against some opponents (Extended Whateleys!), he can really mess them over.

Sun Shu-Jen Stud 2 / Influence 2 / Cost 9 / Upkeep 2 / Rare (also in Pine Box)

Charlie Landers: Yep, he may not say much, but you don't want to get in the way of those wheat-whackers he likes to spin around. Saw him in here once, when some local cowpokes tried to give him grief over his "pajamas" and his fancy hat. Never saw a man fly through a window in quite that way. Sim paid the expenses for his boy, though, so I can't complain.

Captain Sim's Notes: Get his Bullet Rating up (see War Paint) and then kick those annoying opponents out of a fight. Use Fight Like A Man to assure that Sun gets his bonus. And Vermin Problem to administer the coup de grace. A little pricey, but well worth it once you boost him up.
Mark Texeria

Diana Vick
Sun Shu-Jen (experienced) Stud 4 / Influence 2 / Cost 9 / Upkeep 2 / RoS Rare

Chao Li: I for one am certainly glad that he guards this most unworthy one as well as Captain Sim. I know not why Lord Kang has asked him to protect Hucksters, but I cannot complain about such a strategm.

Captain Sim's Notes: At least as good as the inexperienced version, although he does lack that mild Pistol Whip ability. If you're using Hucksters (Po Yu, Chao Li, Ainsley) yourself, you can get bonuses pretty easily. If your opponent is foolish enough to use Hucksters in the shootout as well, Sun truly rocks. Unfortunately, it's not really a "surprise" kind of ability, so no doubt your opponents will have something up their sleeve to deal with him. Still, he is a potent fighter. The choice between this and the inexperienced one can be a tricky one. You're probably better off using the inexperienced version in a non-Huckster Rat deck. But whatever works for you.

Gyonshee Stud 4 / Influence 0 / Cost 8 / Upkeep 1 / Abomination / Rare

Captain Sim:: A gift from Rose Petals Su. Or so Po Yu claimed. I've never been quiite sure what spirit this particular gift was intended in. Not sure I want to find out.

Captain Sim's Notes: Gyonshee is probably the best fighter that the Rats have. Only Sim himself and Sun Shu-Jen can match everyone's favorite hoppin' vampire. His movement limitation can get in the way something fierce, though, and he's vulnerable to all the anti-Terror stuff. Still, he's not too bad a choice for the Rats.
Dan Frazier

Lissanne Lake
Freddy Fast-Hands Draw 2* / Influence 0 / Cost 3 / Upkeep 1 / MoH Uncommon

Mind if I borrow that? You do? Pity. Perhaps I can show you how to really use it.

Captain Sim's Notes: But wait, he's got guns! Really, see the picture! Maybe we're to assume he's already got inherent guns, so he can't attach any more? But then what does he do with the Weapon he targeted on his opponent? Well, other than that little bit of confusion, Freddy's fairly cool. His Stud-Shootout action lets him get around stuff like the Jinx and Poison Woman, although it won't typically help him against Crack Shot. His main downside is the Upkeep and lack of Influence. Still, if you're going with an anti-Weapon deck for the Maze Rats, Freddy works pretty well.

Freddy Fast-Hands (exp) Stud 2 / Influence 1 / Cost 5 / Upkeep 0 / AtA Rare

Sun Shu-Jen died, Ironteeth died, Mitobu died. I'm still here. That should tell you something about who's the best fighter in the Rats.

Captain Sim's Notes: Much better than the original version. He gets rid of Upkeep and gains a point of Influence, and is always a Stud. Vital for a Rats/fightin' deck these days. Don't leave home without him.
Lissanne Lake

Ironteeth Stud 2 / Influence 0 / Cost 2 / Upkeep 1 / MoH Common

Why yes, my sobriquiet does often times give my opponents pause. Not that it's not untrue, mind you. But it's surprising how on occasion one assumes from the fact that your preferred combat strategy is to rip your opponent's throat out with your enhanced teeth that one is an unthinking and uncouth barbarian. As if I would eat them, heaven forbid! I'm always very careful to spit out the pieces. One can catch any number of frightful diseases by consuming human flesh, don't you know?

Captain Sim's Notes: The Upkeep is a little painful, but again, I've never had that much trouble with the Rats making and keeping ghost rock. Don't know if he's "cost-effective," but you take what you can get. If you're playing the Rats, don't leave home without him.

Sally Daniels Draw 0 / Influence 0 / Cost 3 / Upkeep 0 / MoH Common

I stay with the orphans while the rest of the Rats go sailin' around. I'm not a pirate or anything, and Mr. Longfellow tells me I'm better off on dry land. Besides, that way they don't have to put up with me on their crew. I don't think they want a kid around. And I sure don't want to be around them - they all stink.

Captain Sim's Notes: There's only one thing she does, thanks to her non-existent Bullet Value and Influence. She pickpockets. Unfortunately, she's so pathetic that unless you want to start a shootout, you can't really afford to move her to someone's location. Better that you move her to a location where you anticipate an opponent, say, a Strike (or Deed in general for the Landed Rats) that you've taken over, and are expecting a well-armed opponent to show up at. Unfortunately, her Value is just as pathetic as the rest of her stats, meaning that anyone wanting to take a Shotgun to her is going to finish her off. The only real up-side of that is that she's so cheap you won't miss her much. The other problem (okay, well one of the other problems) is that for her to succeed, you're going to want to pull high. Unless you plan on building your deck in general for that purpose, don't bother. A Rats/Hex deck might be able to do this, but otherwise you can pretty much either forget it, or get used to Sally failing.

Dan Frazier
"Buckets" Nelson Draw 1 / Influence 0 / Cost 3 / Upkeep 1 / Common

Charlie Landers: I hate to break it to you, but just because he calls you 'chum' don't mean he wants to be your friend.

Captain Sim's Notes: You need more Studs? You got more Studs. He also lets you cycle cards out of your hand, without any Value or Color pre-requisites. Don't forget he has to be at an out-of-town location (but not just a Strike) to use this ability.

"Buckets" Nelson Draw 2 / Influence 1 / Cost 5 / Upkeep 2 / Pine Box-Only

Hey, Captain, I hate to be botherin' you but I be a bit low on...rations for the ship's extra crew. If you know what I mean. Seems to me we might need to do a bit of shanghaing. Yeah, I know we don't have enough room for them. But I didn't have puttin' them on the Typhoon for very long in mind anyway.

Captain Sim's Notes: So, for two more initial payment and one more upkeep cost, you get a point of Influence and a slight increase (3 pts.) in Value. Ummm, that's nice. Stick with the inexperienced version and don't bother with this - a New Hat would be cheaper to simpyl put on the inexperienced "Buckets."

Michael Phillippi
Ainsley Cunningham Stud 2 / Influence 0 / Cost 5 / Upkeep 0 / Huckster 0 / RoS Common

Ainsley meet you in Pit. Ainsley meet you in street. Ainsley met you on ship. Ainsley meet you anywhere you like, as long as you fight.

Captain Sim's Notes: I'm not quite sure who this guy is supposed to be. A pit fighter, maybe? But a Huckster? Oh well, regardless, he's a pretty good fighter for the Rats: a Huckster and a Stud. If you're going to go with a Hex-based strategy, he's a decent supplement, and if even if you don't, he makes for a good fighter. He's be a good starting character, except for his typical Maze Rat lack of Influence.

Squish-Eye Samantha Draw 1 / Influence 0 / Cost 2 / Upkeep 0 / RoS Common

No, there aren't any other women who sail with the Rats. You want to make something of it? Didn't think so. And if you think I'm some kind of piece of tail that couldn't handle herself up the yardarm, think again. Any man who touches me will lose his hand...and anything else he tries to touch me with. That's assumin' Sim will let them - he knows how valuable I am to him.

Captain Sim's Notes: More mobility for the Rats! Much cheaper than the inexperienced Captain Sim, and between her and Sim, you can move in all the Rats you possibly need. She's not quite as powerful for the Landed Rats, but she's still fairly formidable. One thing to watch out for is that her ability will onlywork on Rats, not any other types you may have hired on board. Her other benefit is that she's incredibly cheap. Her low Value isn't that good, but she doesn't actually have to come along on a shootout herself, so it shouldn't be that big a problem.
John Matson

Chao Li Draw 0 / Influence 1 / Cost 3 / Upkeep 0 / Huckster 0 / Rev Common

It is true, Captain Sim and his men are somewhat more...disreputable than those I am accustomed to keeping company with. Still, my master, Po Yu, tells me that the work that they do is valuable. And despite their...excesses, they accomplish great good. I look forward to assisting them further in the future.

Captain Sim's Notes: Excellent character for the Maze Rats. He's cheap, provides a point of Influence, and let's you gain an early advantage as far as getting that sixth card. Slip him into each and every Maze Rat deck you can build. The Huckster is ability is an additional plus, and if you're using a Rats-Spell deck, starting with him and Po Yu gives you all the Hex-casting power you need.

Chao Li (exp) Draw 0 / Influence 2 / Cost 6 / Upkeep 1 / Huckster 2 / DUO

I have defeated my Master, and the Dragon walks the earth. These two things together give me more power than you can conceive of...and the vision to go with it.

Captain Sim's Notes: Okay, I guess. Better in an end-game, particularly the Influence reduction, but the Rats don't have the resources to recover and attach Hexes the way that the Whateleys do. The Rats might be getting spread a little too thin here in options. He might actually be someone you want to start at the inexperienced level and switch out for this version later when you've got enough high-influence Dudes of your own..
Cris Dornaus

Mike Kimble
Denton Filmore Draw 2 / Influence 1 / Cost 4 / Upkeep 0 / Rev Common

Pirates. Why did it have to be pirates? I suppose a man's got to make a living. But why do I have to work with them? Still, I don't plan on being the one to complain to Su about it. She's holdng on to my markers. I suppose there are worse things she could ask me to do.

Captain Sim's Notes: Weird. There's now absolutely no reason to use the inexperienced Harold Longfellow. Denton has a better Value, one higher Bullet Value, and he has a cool ability if you happens to run up against Sweetrock. He's an okay starting Dude. Not much of a fighter, but he can help the Original Rats take a Strike, and he's affordable for your starting Posse.

Shigetoshi Hohiro Draw 0 / Influence 0 / Cost 3 / Upkeep 0 / Blessed 1 / Rev Uncommon

It is true, Captain Sim and his men are somewhat more...disreputable than those I am accustomed to keeping company with. Still, my master, Po Yu, tells me that the work that they do is valuable. And despite their...excesses, they accomplish great good. I look forward to assisting them further in the future.

Captain Sim's Notes: Low Value, low Draw, low Influence. Only the fact that he's low cost makes him particularly valuable. I haven't seen any pressing need to date to include Miracles in my Rats decks. His ability requires that he be at the location where the Hex is going off, and that he pull fairly high against a Hex-casting deck that is probably designed to pull high. Good luck. I'm just not seeing much use for the guy. Sorry.
Mike Raabe

Llyn Hunter
Shigetoshi Hohiro Draw 1 / Influence 1 / Cost 4 / Upkeep 0 / EfE Rare

I have shed my chrysalis, Po Yu, and stand ready now to serve you and Lord Kang as I was truly meant to. I have destroyed the last remnant of the past, and emerge from the crucible purified.

Captain Sim's Notes: I'm still not impressed by this guy - sorry. If you want Miracles in your Rats decks, cool. Go for it. His "new" special ability just kinda reversed the old one. Before, he could target a Huckster at his location casting any Hex. Now, he can target any Hex...but only if it targets a Dude (not a Deed or anything else) at his location. He does get Influence finally, but Min Su Tao is cheaper and a much better fighter to boot. Use him if you need him, but the Rats already have enough non-Upkeep Influence, IMO.

Gandy Dancer Draw 0 / Influence 0 / Cost 1 / Upkeep 0 / AtA Common

Freddy Fast-Hands: And Po Yu says I move like a pregnant yak. Just keep them between me and the enemy, that's all I ask.

Captain Sim's Notes: Just what the Maze Rats needed - low-Value (easily aceable) Draw Dudes with no Influence. Heck, I'd go dig out my Lucky Teds if I wanted this. Kill them now.
Jason Millet

William O'Connor
Quon Lin Stud 0* / Influence 0 / Cost 3 / Upkeep 0 / AtA Uncommon

Do I look like a pirate? Perhaps. But there is a new day coming for the organization you call the "Maze Rats." You would be wise to learn your lesson now. By the time the storm breaks, it will be too late.

Captain Sim's Notes: We're losing Maze Rat Studs like Ainsley and Sun Shu-Jen so we could get this?!? Remarkably good Value for such a putz, but other than that give me some of the pre-Boot Hill Maze Rats Dudes. Okay right now for BH-only format (because you've got nothing better to use for the cost if you want to play the Rats), but hopefully we'll either see an experienced version down the road, or get far better martial artist/Rat types.

Sin Je Stud 2 / Influence 2 / Cost 6 / Upkeep 0 / EfE Uncommon

Only a fool relies on a weapon. Better that he become a weapon then to become ensnared by one.

Captain Sim's Notes: It's Freddy Fast Hands Mk. 2. Problem is the opposing Dude has to be booted. Not impossible to accomplish or expect to happen anyway, but still, why not use Freddy? You probably need to really need that Influence. Basically, the new Freddy is cooler. So maybe something's coming up down the road? We'll see...
William O'Connor

Tim Bradstreet and Grant Goleash
Min Su Tao Stud 1 / Influence 1 / Cost 3 / Upkeep 0 / EfE Common

It is a pity that my past employment with the Agency may interfere with my current mission given to me by Lord Kang. Still, Mr. Slade's offer was...irresistable. Who could resist such a challenge?

Captain Sim's Notes: A good cheap Rat Dude, and the first of many great pieces of art by Tim Bradstreet & company. A good starting choice. The main problem is that he just isn't a very good vampire hunter! At least, compared to the vampires that are out there, or that are coming back (i.e., Vampiric Dance Hall Girl).