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Canadian Food Promos: 4/21/05
Jason has discovered some information on upcoming Canadian food promos:

HI ALL...well there is some NEW news as far as FOOD PROMOS ..In CANADA we will be seeing and tasting the DARTH DEW @ 7-11 stores come MAY 1ST-this will include a NEW SLURPEE flavour(pepsi co.)!It can be slurpeed out of a DARTH VADER cup..the topper will be a DARTH VADER head/helmet topper..There might even be other type cups (only cups) available!
..FRITO LAY CANADA has a NEW promo starting MAY 1ST..look for NEW PACKAGING with the ROTS label plus a contest...
I was told each bag should have a sticker or something similar inside!?!
Lastly,PEPSI CO. will have a contest ...find/SPELL Y-O-D-A..and you could win...check out

the HOLO YODA's should be here VERY SOON...12" CLONES have been seen a whole lot more than the 2 female figures!

Thanks for the heads-up, Jas!

Toy News from Up North:
Our pal Jason from Edmonton, Alberta, sends in this report:

As far as Edmonton goes...well it it's pretty lame...the newest of new to show up are the GALATIC HEROES ROTS @ SUPERSTORE out here in the west!
Most retailers have really cut back on the ordering this time around!!!  There are plenty of figures @ TRU, but WALLY-MART has reduced their figures by 2.00..that's the figures @ TRU shall sit as always and should be there when the next movie comes out...if that will happen...u know 7-8-9!!??!

Calling All Collectors!:
I need your help!  With Revenge of the Sith just around the corner, there are several areas of the site that desparately need updated material.  Here is what I am looking for:

Store Reports:  As ROTS figures slowly leak into stores, I am looking for store reports from anywhere around the country.  Help other collectors know where the goodies are by telling us: 
1) the city and state/province
2) the name of the store
3) the date on which the purchase was made
4) the name of the toy(s) found and/or the case assortment (if possible)
Click on the link to the left and fill out your report today!  NOTE - Your report will not automatically appear.  Rather, you will receive a confirmation notice via email that your report has been sent, and I will post all news reports as they come to me.

News:  Do you have STAR WARS related news that would be of interest to collectors?  This would include movie production updates, toy rumors, live cast appearances, local events, etc.  If so, send 'em in.  Any Spoiler information will be hidden for those who avoid it and will be available by highlighting this text field.

Photo Archive Pics: Here is what I need:
Collections Photos: As you can see, we have a sizeable Collector's Gallery in which many proud fans have sent in pictures of their vast STAR WARS collections.  If you have a collection, big or small, show it off to the world by sending us your pictures.  Please include your name and state with your pictures.  NOTE - Please try to keep your files under 200 KB.
Custome Figures - If you are a proud customizer, then send in images of your work.  Please include your first name and state with your pictures.

Suggestions: If you have an idea for a new section that you'd like to see created, let me know!  I'll gladly consider any ideas that would enhance and improve the site.


In addition to all these things, I am hoping to get all Checklists updated this May.  Please bear with me as I have many other things going on right now, but feel free to use what checklists I have currently available.  As of now, Vintage, POFT2, SOTE, EU, Episode One, and POTJ are all complete.  If you find any mistakes or omissions in any of these, please let me know!

here to send in any of the above items.  Thank you for your help, and may the Force be with you!
STAR WARS News & Information
THE REBEL BASE:  STAR WARS News & Information and its authors are not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm, Ltd, Hasbro, or LEGO.  All STAR WARS items, images and names are registered trademark and/or copyright Lucasfilm, Ltd. 
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