250 Points
500 Points
800 Points+
At the 250 point level humans are beginning to be
quite formidable. Mages and Psis can develop several
respectable powers, and soldiers can reasonably get TL10
equipment. Most supernatural creatures and combat monsters
are still not available.
With 500 points it is possible to create most of the
character types from Rifts, however there are some difficulties.
It can be difficult to create a playable normal human
on 500 points without ngiving them all attributes at 20+.
At the other end of the scale, while it is possible to
create dragons and such with 500 points, these will be
very 'watered down' dragons, with only some of the powers
from the original versions.
Beyond 500 points it becomes basically impossible to create
playable normal humans, however at this level Rifts
supernatural creatures
come into their own. This sort of campaign can have
accurate conversions of Rifts dragons, heavy combat cyborgs,
powerful psis and mages, and demigods as characters.