Other Creatures
Described below are a variety of strange creatures that
inhabit Rifts Earth. In addition to these, creatures from
the Bestiary, Dinosaurs (the rifts have brough beasts
from all time zones) or Fantasy can be encountered.
Fury Beetle
ST: 65-80 |
Speed/Dodge: 16/8 |
Size: 12 |
DX: 12 |
PD/DR: 4/20 |
Wt: 2400-5000 lbs. |
IQ: 3 |
Damage: 6d cr. |
HT: 15/60-80 |
Reach: C,1 |
The 'Fury Beetle' recieves it name because of its erratic
behaviour, and insect appearance. Despite its size the
creature is easily startled, and very fast. When threatened
it scampers in a frantic zig-zaging pattern. They can
be trained, and are sometimes hunted for food or their skins.
They have excellent vision (vision rolls at 16), a good sense
of direction, and a psionic ability to locate water within
a 4 mile radius.
Xiticix Warrior
ST: 18 |
Speed/Dodge: 5/5 |
Size: 1 |
DX: 12 |
PD/DR: 4/60 |
Wt: 500 lbs. |
IQ: 7 |
Damage: 2d imp. |
HT: 12 |
Reach: C |
A typical Xiticix warrior is a four-armed humanoid standing 7 feet tall,
covered with chitinous blue armour. This natural armour
is incredibly tough, equal to some older styles of human
body armour. In addition the creatures make use of
biological weapons, a monowire sword and a style of
plasma blaster (equivalent to NG-P7) that the hive can
simply grow. Warriors have a poisonous bite (type F, 2d damage)
and an excellent sense of smell.
Xiticix Worker
ST: 14 |
Speed/Dodge: 5/5 |
Size: 1 |
DX: 12 |
PD/DR: 2/8 |
Wt: 400 lbs. |
IQ: 8 |
Damage: 2d imp. |
HT: 12 |
Reach: C |
Xiticix workers resemble the warriors, except that their
lower arms have a set of articulated pincers rather than
a four-fingered hand. The workers will rarely use any form
of weapon, however they do use organic tools which can
act as clubs.
Xiticix Queen
ST: 28 |
Speed/Dodge: 5/3 |
Size: 3 |
DX: 12 |
PD/DR: 4/125 |
Wt: 1200 lbs. |
IQ: 12 |
Damage: 4d imp. |
HT: 12/15-40 |
Reach: C,1 |
The Xiticix queen resembles a hunchbacked Xiticix warrior
twenty feet tall. They also have some psionic powers;
Telepathy 6 with telesend 14 and telerecieve 12, and
Psychokinesis 12 with telekinesis 12.
Splurgoth Slaver
Blind Warrior Woman