
Characters with psionic powers are reasonably common on Rifts Earth, however even here powerful psis are still uncommon. Any character should be allowed to have psionic powers. The templates below are minimums; most members of a given psychic type will have more abilities than listed.

Minor Psychic
Any psionic power of power 6 of less is considered 'minor' by the Coalition, and is merely noted in that persons file. Such a note can be worth a -5 point Social Stigma or Secret if the player wishes, but otherwise has no game effect.

Major Psychic
Psi-powers from 7 to 12 are considered 'major' by the CS. Such individuals are considered second class citizens, and are required by law to have an identifying tattoo burned into their neck and wrist, and are forbidden from having children. This is -10 point Social Stigma or Secret.

Master Psychic
Psionics powers of 13 or above are considered 'master' psionics, as are any super-powers with the special effect psionic in nature. Master Psionics are not permitted to enter any CS cities, and if discovered face the death penalty. This is a -20 point Secret.

Dog-Boy (+78 points)
Genetically engineered by the CS, the Dog Boys combine nearly human intelligence and humanoid form with the speed and strength of a canine. One surprising canine trait is the ability to 'smell' magic and psionics.
Advantages: Sense Magic IQ-2(5), sense psionics IQ-2(5), discriminatory smell, alertness +3, sharp teeth, +2 HT, +1 DX, +1 ST
Disadvantages: Colour blindness, -2 IQ, social stigma (property)

Psi-Stalker (+25 points)
One of the few human mutations tolerated by the CS, Psi-Stalkers are a form of psychic vampire which feeds on the life-energy of living beings. The CS trains them not to kill while feeding, and to use their natural talents to hunt mages and psis. Wild Psi-Stalkers are still despised.
Advantages: Sense magic IQ(4), sense psionics IQ(4), +2 DX, combat reflexes
Disadvantages:Odius personal habits (drains life-energy), social stigma (mutant), dependancy (PPE, daily)

Burster(+70 points)
A burster is a specialized psi, whose powers focus on the control of fire and heat.
Advantages: Resistant to fire (half damage), fireball DX-1(1), control fire IQ-1(2), body of fire 2
Disadvantages:Social stigma (mutant)

Mind-Melter (+5)
A generic name for mutants with strong psionic powers, Mind-Melters are powerful and feared for their abilities.
Advantages: None, however the Mind-Melter may choose any Super-Abilities, with the special effect 'psionic power'. Virtually all have high levels of Telepathy and other psi-powers as well.
Disadvantages: Secret (possible death)