Martian Technology
Martian technology is diverse. The Overlords have access to TL8
technology in most areas, while the common Martians have generally TL2.
However there are some deviations from these TLs in particular areas.
Specific Types of Technology
- Weapons
Martian forces vary considerably in armament. Elite infantry will be
armed with Overlord provided heat-rifles, however most use muskets, and some are still even
stuck with bows and arrows. Likewise most artillery is muzzle-loading
and fires grapeshot, although some heat-rays are available.
- Power
The Overlords have access to a variety of mysterious power sources far
beyond human science of the 19th century, including Nuclear Fusion and
advanced Radiothermal Generators. The common Martians on the other hand
usually don't even have electricity, and rely on harnessed animals and
wind/sail power for their limited needs.
- Transport
The Overlords use a variety of advanced vehicles for transportation,
the most famous of which are their Walkers and Ironclad Airships. The
common Martians, while much less advanced than the Overlords, are
actually very skilled sailors, having the equivalent to TL4 sails and
equipment. They also have access to Gravigen.
- Electronics
While the Overlords have access to most TL8 technology, they lack
several major advances of this TL, computers and electronics,
where they are only early TL6. They have only just begun to experiment
with radar based sensors, and have only primitive vacuum-tube computers.
New Technologies
Gravigen Boilers
Gravigen is a limited form of contragravity developed by the Overlords,
which they allow their servants the common Martians to use. The secret
of Gravigen has also been given to the Belgians.
Gravigen is a liquid which, when heated, is so much lighter than air
that it should have a negative weight. It can thus be used as a highly
effective lifting gas. The common Martians with only simple bronze
boilers cannot take full advantage of Gravigen since they have trouble
heating it sufficiently. However the Belgians have recently began using
it in their new Armoured Zepplins, and the Overlords can use it to lift
the entire weight of an Ironclad warship!
Vehicles 2 Rules: The maximum effective lift of a Gravigen boiler
is 50,000 x TL, so the common Martians can lift a vehicle weighing up
to 100,000 lbs. the Belgians up to 250,000 lbs, and the Overlords
a vehicle of up to 400,000 lbs. Treat as a TL5 steam engine with an
output of 1 kW per 500 lbs of lift, however multiply cost by 10. Double
weight and volume at TL4 and below.