OTHER MOVIE PICTURES SITES AT INFERNOVA: Aliens vs. Predator Braveheart Devil's Advocate Fifth Element Mars Attacks! Saving Private Ryan Starship Troopers Terminator 2: Judgment Day |
Kinda silly face there, Will... A HANDFUL OF PICTURES FROM THE ENEMY OF THE STATE MOVIE Here are some pictures collected from various sites Net-wide. Have fun and enjoy. The Enemy of the State movie poster A nice picture of THEM and THEIR lair PEEK-A-BOO! (Dean looks straight into the NSA sights) The good lawyer wannabe Robert Clayton Dean (Will Smith) runs for his life Dean meets Brill (one thing to remember, kids, never look up) Brill (Gene Hackman), disguised as a cop, meeting Thomas Brian Reynolds, the head of NSA (Jon Voight) in the end of the movie A HANDFUL OF LINKS TO THE ENEMY OF THE STATE RELATED LINKS And here are some links to the sights all around the Net, concerning Enemy of the State. The Making of Enemy of the State Enemy of the State, the official site MovieWeb (the site most of the pictures here are taken from) |