
It's me, Julie. This is my little corner of the Geocities world. This is a page of pictures. A page of pictures of a guy named Martin Cummins. He was most recently on a little show entitled 'Poltergeist the Legacy' and has been on a number of other things. It is my calling in life, at least this part of it, to gather any and all of that before-mentioned stuff and put it where everyone can see it. So.... here goes!

This is only a little bit of what I've got. The rest can be found at my original page. Any comments can be quickly zapped to me at willie@techline.com.

Misc. Appearances

21 Jump Street * Born to Run * The Commish * Friday the 13th VIII * Highlander * Justice For Annie

M.A.N.T.I.S. * Neon Rider * Other Womens' Children * Outer Limits * Street Justice * The Substitute

Desperate Plea!!!!:

Does anyone out there have the episode of 'Pier 66' that Martin was in on tape? I'm really looking for 'Pier 66', but would also like to get my hands on 'Cyberteens in Love', and the episode of 'My Secret Identity'. I'd really like to be able to aquire copies of everything I am missing. I actually need two copies of 'Pier 66'. I'll pay all expenses! If anyone can help, please email me! Thanks!!!!!

Back to My Main Page Martin Cummins Pictures + Poltergeist the Legacy Fan-Fiction

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Disclaimer: The pictures throughout my homepage have been captured from various channels and stations without their permission. I am not making a single penny off of this site or the pictures contained on it. If I knew how to go about getting permission I would surely do so, but I don't. :) Please, please, don't get mad! Thanks!

Updated November 2, 2001