Tempest home page

About the USS Tempest

calendar of events photos from past events
mail to a charming redhead
tempest roster links
a message from captain grimm!

USS Tempest 9703

The U.S.S. Tempest is STAR TREK fan club based mainly in Pennsylvania/New Jersey. Actually, it is a "rave ship" with the meetings moving from place to place, from month to month. Its not a secret. E-mail Capt. Pete, he'll be happy to give you directions to the next meeting.

Our meetings are held on the second Sunday of every month. Everyone is welcome to join us in our exploration of Star Trek, science fiction, live-action role playing, paintball and any other entertaining activity we can imagine.


Attached to the U.S.S. Tempest is the 100th Marine Strike Group. Commanded by BGEN Riess, the 100th Marine Strike Group is one of the finest and oldest Marine clubs in Trek fandom. For more information check out the 100TH MARINE STRIKE GROUP page.

more about the tempest
logs from crew members
sign guestbook
read guestbook
9/11/01 - Never Forget


Star Trek®, Star Trek: The Next Generation®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, and Star Trek: Voyager®, are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures and Viaocom registered in the United States Patent and Trademark office. No Infringement or pun intended.

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