Lord Durwynn 's BIO PAGE

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Lord Durwynn's BIO PAGE

Hullo Hullo, this bio isn't real by the way, However I shall include a Personal Bio of myself at a later date!
'Cause Bios are the most respected form of lying.....

Pic to come soon when I find one!

Name: Lord Durwynn of the Dunadain

Age: 38

Short Sword & Throwing Knives
Magic: limited spells; fire, healing, *weirding way (speed), the voice (power of suggestion)
Knowledge: Spritual, Philosophy, medicinal herbs, women
Brown trousers with short riding boots White dress shirt with flare cuff with hair tied back.
Has been known to also where a long grey cloak with a large hood so as to go unnoticed.

Duskey tanned skin.
Average hieght, 5'11" Broad shoulders,
Black hair with shots of grey and deep crows feet around the eyes, making very distinguished.

Medical and herbal talents for healing and endurence..
Able to disapear at a glance, largly due to his silent step.

Has been refered to as Lord for his impression of having wealth, and being in the favor of many a young well to do lady. In these parts and abroad. Despite his scoundrelous ways his lordship has a kind heart and willing to lend a skilled blade to just causes. L.D. was born of a Elven Lady and an cavelry scout master, of a Kings escourt. How did this come to be? While in distant region to the far north the Kings escourt had been over takin from behind by a band of Raiders. The escourt had no choice but to change course for higher ground leaving their scout behind miles ahead unaware of what has transpired. With no army nor King to serve and abandond in the seemingly cheerless north, the scout was rescued by the fair people only to fall in love with their wonderfull ways. And take a wife he did, Cayles. Such a unusual union ment their departure to live alone in that rocky region. But in love with a newchild on the way they lived happily to the end of their days,. With his parents passing. Durwynn had set out to seek out his own happiness, and find where his father had come from.
Armed with many skills learned and blessed upon him by the Elves.
Durwynn ventured unto the lands of men.

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