You are now in the Addon section of the ESC's "Jedi Special Units" - Page.
Here are Addon-Kits for "Jedi Knight", "Mysteries of the Sith" and also...
"X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter" and "Balance of Power" available!

- Enjoy it! -


Name  Game  What is it?

Mandalorian Wars 2 for "Jedi Knight" from the

( - 2.21MB)

Jedi Knight It`s a very cool Addon with new equipment like Boba Fett's Jetpack! It adds also some new Weaphons and 2 new Levels! It's my favorite Addon for Jedi Knight!


Mandalorian Wars 3 for "Mysteries of the Sith" from the

( - 4.73 MB)

MotS Yeah!!! That's the Addon we've been waiting for a long time.

It include all Units from Manowar2 and much more! New skins, new levels and much FUN!

Hey what do you waiting for?
Download it now!!!

Sounds for MotS:

Sound from Beaves & Butthead and The Simpsons

Sounds from C3PO and Chewbacca

Very cool sounds from elsewhere; You should hear it!

Sounds from the Die Hard Movie

YEAH!!! Sounds from the one and only Duke Nukem

Hehe, here are really funny Sounds :-)

Sounds from Han Solo and Jabba The Hutt

Sounds from Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa

Here are other Star Wars sounds from the movie.

The original sounds from Lord Vader!!! A Must!!!

MotS Here are very impressive, cool and funny sounds for MotS. Just Unzip the *.zip Files in your "\Resource\Sound" Directory from MotS !!! 

Excelent to use in Multiplayer Death Matches ;-)) 

It kicks Ass!!! ;-)

All Includet Taunts:

Here you can read all the filenames for the "INCLUDET" MotS-Taunts in the Game!

It's usefull in Multiplayergames ;-)
If you wanna use the TAUNTS in the game, just type the filename after pressing "T" (for Talk). Don't forget the ".wav "!!!

You should know, that YOU CAN'T HEAR the Taunts by YOURSELF!!!

Click here to view the MotS-Taunt-List

MotS Hehe, it doesn't make sense, but it's REALLY Funny!!!

You will see ;-)

Ship-Patch !!!
(For X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and Balance of Power)

This automated program gives XvT and especially BoP, many new ships and cockpits, as well as allowing you to fly older ships previously unavailiable in missions. This version even includes whole planets with atmospheres! It comes with several melee missions to demonstrate it's abilities, as well as some BoP combat missions, and is 100% compatible with normal XvT on Multiplayer, unlike other shipsets.

You need to enable the ships in created missions, of course,
Supreme Commander Glzmo
is already working on some that will be available for download
on the level sector soon!

XvT, BoP An excellent Patch for XvT and BoP that adds new ships and cockpits.

Great design!!!


To aktivate these Patches for "Mysteries of the Sith" or "Jedi Knight" you can use the...
"Jedi Knight_Patch Commander v3.5"

If you haven't got the "Jedi Knight Patch Commander", download it now!!!

If you need WinZip to extract the *.zip files and haven't got it allready, go to

Have a lot of FUN!!!