As for the "Life Cosmology"

If life is said, this universe itself is life....

As for the "life", the hypothesis that ... that it is only the truth of this universe is defined so is a "Life Cosmology". Two key words of this hypothesis are "information joint ownership", a "system". It is severed first, It never depends on intention like specific religion, but this "Life Cosmology" denies the existence caused with "God" who is rather defined in much religion.

"Life" generally self-preservation propagation ability have master organic body. The system is succeeded to, and you have only to think that the frame of the "organic body" was removed first as for the "life universe". It is decided in the first place that there is a limited frame of the "life". Then, I want to place "life" on the unlimited thing which includes all. Only material, an object aren't made the target, but the system which space, a phenomenon, nature, an aim, that information all relate to and which is stuck and which has meaning and which tries to be here so is "life". For example, it thinks about a human being individual as a "life". But, even if it is seen in the whole of the seed of the human being. "life". The universe itself is seen as one "life" if the environment that "life", it are surrounded is included, too, and "life" is investigated thoroughly even if the life all that it was included is seen. Then, it meaning which exists further, a reason (it relates again by the "life" ), too.

In other words, as for the "life", it is related "system" such information.

For example, you do so, and it is enjoying Internet toward the terminal. There is existence of me who is sending the information. As for such a connection's having occurred, it is this universal phenomenon completely (they certainly ) that such a thing happens now. These are caught as 1 phenomenon which should be here after all by the system of the "life". This is seen in the universal whole, too, and it thinks to be a phenomenon based on some reasons. A "thing" and a "phenomenon" are separated, and it isn't grasped, but it is grasped in the whole of the information which relates such as the root of those all, a reason, a direction and which it . It is this head of the "Life Cosmology".

If it tries to say it, so-called much of the "scientific universe arguments" which are here at present are "material universe arguments". "Material" there and the "power" are analyzed to the foundation story. A thing isn't investigated thoroughly if such a thing happens why though a phenomenon to rise there is explained to a certain extent in it. In other words, it doesn't pass in being doing the explanation of only the phenomenon after all. This could not but be so in nature of science itself until now.

A person wants to know universal origin and a reason for being, too. Think that it is the quickest someone to first. When it is so, I want to place "God" first. It is religion-like cosmology. There was it "God" who was the absolute existence of all the all wisdom Noh plays, the universe of the eternal immortality, and with the intention on this world. It is simple answer in the fruit. But, why does "God" exist? Why did it this world? It decides to suffer when "God" is such a thing when "God" itself is asked to it. This is an expected conclusion so far as "God" is the beginning.

As for the "Life Cosmology", a phenomenon in the universe explains the origin, a reason for being, all integratively.

In other words, a phenomenon is such information. The thing confirmed when there is it so is equal to the thing recognized if it is someone as such information.  It is recognized by someone whom it meets on the network that you are doing Internet. And, there will be friend watching it from behind, or parents, too. Furthermore, if even a pet is in the room, the figure of yours is recognized by the pet. Then, the computer of the imminence which may possibly watch you conversely with the microorganism as well which will be in the surroundings, too. Then, the information is further recognized in the whole of the whole of the room, the whole of the house, the earth in the universal whole and shared. In other words, the universe is the "system" concluded by the information joint ownership done so.

In other words it is the thing that a point of view is not necessarily a human being (information is managed by the information ). All phenomena stop depending on so-called uncertain sex in quantum mechanics by this information joint ownership. So far as it is stuck, it is "It exists." certainly ( a phenomenon itself is information ) ( such information relates to other information ). The information loses the meaning conversely when one information is separated from the information on others all. In other words, it becomes the thing of "It doesn't exist.".

It is shared, and all information has the meaning. Therefore, the information which is is collected, and it accumulates, and the universal whole tries to connect them with each other. It always tries to keep common condition. In other words, it is the thing of "It tries to exist.". The universal whole always evolves in such a direction. The system, "life".

It will be asked to it here whether then a story doesn't contradict. So, it is "Big Bang Model". The universe swells now. This is a fact like obvious observation. Is well there a thing far from the universe being connected ( it is isolated by each other )?

As a matter of fact, it is not so. The universe is seen with the broader point of view. First, it is a human being that I want the preconception which is observing abandoned ( the universe ). Universal swelling is seen in the point of view of the huger universe, and it wants it presumed just passage point evolution part be. As for the universal whole, it is grander than the thing which we human being think about.

It is not less than it "life" to say with the "life universe argument" if it is a "system" to aim at the "information joint ownership" and it is not any further ( too ), either. Then, the hypothesis that it is the "universe" to come into being only by "life" is a "Life Cosmology". It is the place where "system" has a root trunk that is greatly different from the universe argument until now that the principal object has been put on a material thing, God like thing. I want to try to do the reason for being of the universe which is thought "material" so far by placing "life" as a "system" in the cause which the universe existed in and which is thought "God" again and where it was at a deadlock, the one with the meaning of the derived phenomenon, and so on.

As for this article, it is a thing that translation treatment was given to the Japanese original. I really want the original read with "MOON LIGHT EXPRESS" if you can understand Japanese and has the environment that Japanese can be indicated.