Chipmunks Totally Reek of Awesomeness

Everywhere you go, you see squirrels. Squirrels, squirrels, squirrels, but do you ever see a chipmunk? NOOOOOOO... They put squirrels in commercials, books, cartoons, and just about everything else. Everybody LOVES squirrels, but they always overlook the chipmunk! And why? Most people can't even tell the difference between a squirrel and a chipmunk, yet the damn squirrel gets all the attention. WHAT ABOUT CHIPMUNK?!? Well Chipmunk is getting her own space right here as she deserves because chipmunks totally reek of awesomeness and squirrels suck!


A picture of Croissant Feathers Chipmunk with a 2 x 4 wrapped in barbed wire!

Chipmunk stuffing herself

Chipmunk laughs in the face of danger! HAHAHAHAHA...RUN, CHIPMUNK, RUN!!!

Chipmunks gather seeds, stuffing them into their mouths, and bring them back to their burrows where they keep a good supply of food for the winter. When winter arrives, chipmunks stay inside sleeping, and only awake to eat. woohoo! THAT'S living.

and that's why chipmunks totally reek of awesomeness
