Player info: Player Name: Paul Bernard E-mail Address: AIM: IrrCapT ICQ: R.Cypher MSN: (note: while I have created this character, He is not intended as a main player in the storyline. He is therefore open to use without consulting me, although I would like consultation if he is to be changed in any major way.) Cerebro Scan Subject: Causality Real Name: David Mylar Age: 24 Birthday: August 21 Height: 6'1" Weight: 201 Build: Heavy-set, wide shoulders Skin Tone: Medditerranian Eyes (shape and color): Occidental, Black Hair (Texture, Color, Length): Black, Shoulder Length, Oily Group Affiliation: Wild Card Clothing: Tan slacks, White Tee-shirt, black shoes(usually) Uniform: none Jewelry: none Identifying Features: Tatoo of Dragon encirleing right wrist, Burn scar on left shoulder Attributes: Physical: Strength-3 Intelligence-2 Stamina-3 Speed-3 Fighting ability-4 Mutant: Temporal Manipulation- 4(special) Power Description, Workings, & Limitations: Causality has one of the oddest powers on record here in Cerebro. His ability seems to stem from a Temporal Manipulation, but he cannot directly meddle with the time stream. Instead, he can bring certain parts of future timeline into the present. The way this works is that any act that he could, in fifteen minutes time, be able to do, he can cause to happen immediately. This makes him one of the most powerful mutants on earth. However, there is a limitation to this ability. At some point in the next 15 minutes he must take time to complete the event. If he tries to avoid it, circustances will always befall him so that he does actually complete the actions during the fifteen minutes. There seems to be some governing force that keeps the timeline from paradox. Also, if doing the action would make it impossible to do it in the fifteen minutes (AKA cutting the rope on the other side of a bridge that he couldn't get to without the bridge in the time limit), it will not occur. Finally, Causality has no ability to see into the future. So while it is technically possible for him to pull a hit from the future before he swings a punch, he cannot be sure of who or what he will hit in the fifteen minutes, and so must simply pull randomly. Only if he speifically targets something can he be sure of what he will get. (Sidenote: It is very diffcult to track Causality with Cerebro, as many locations will show up as his current location. Hank has theorized that this is due to his power. He, as a being, is streched over the next fiftenn minutes of the timeline, and so will show as being anywhere he could be by taking any method of transport. Since this can cover a huge area, Cerebro scans will tend to show ths general area he is in, but not a specific location. Skills(list only): Boxing, Football, Cashier, Lockpicking, Security Setups History: David Mylar was born August 21, 1979 in Topeka, Kansas of Peter and Hanna Mylar. While he was growing up, he showed great prowess at physical sports, and his father went out of his way to enroll him in many different junior league sports, including soccer, baseball, and peewee football. His father was a very competitive man, and demanded much performance out of his son. David's mother, who didn't like this side of her husband, tried to encourage him in other pursuits. This led to strains in the Mylar marriage, and they divorced in 1995. However, Peter won custody from Hanna, since Hanna, when she left, had no source of income, and Peter faked evidence of alcohol abuse. Peter's competitive nature did not stop with the framing of his wife. He felt that he needed his kid to be a professional sport player, for whatever reason. When David joined his high school football team, Peter was extremely proud. In 1997, David's power began to surface itself, but uncontrolably. David became the center of a whirling maelstrom in which events happend seconds before the should. Players would fly out of David's way before he touched them, things would fall on the floor before he touched them, and people would be hit if David swung his arms where the would be. As a result, David was put on probation, pending his ability to control it. His father went into a frenzy, trying everything to help his son. Unfortunately, this was his downfall. Peter died on July 13, 1997, when his son pulled the future back at the wrong moment. Peter, who was crossing the street while coaching his son, fell in the road with a broken hip, due to an accident that would happen 3 minutes later in the same place. It is theorized that he would have survived the later accident, but the next car to come along was a Semi that couldn't stop in time. When an agreived David told his story to the police, he was immediately arrested for murder. At the time, there was no law concerning the use of mutant powers as a weapon, but the judge in the case set a legal precident that eventually would extend across the country, declareing mutant abilities to be considered weapons in the eyes of the law. While still protesting that it had been an accident, an unforseen use of his power, David Mylar was tried, convicted, and sentinced to life imprisoment, since he was 17, over the age when murder would be turned over to the juvenile courts. Mainly, he was convicted on prejudice, and I was unable to intervene on his behalf. David escaped, however, when his cuffs became undone, 8 miles from the penetentury. He overpowered the guards by beating them instantaneously with the blows of the next two minutes, and left the transport. The two beatings were the first time he was able to control his temporal manipulations. Causuality (as he was dubbed by the media) has not been seen in the public eye for the past few years, despite police manhunts. However, he has surfaced in the past few months, carring out daring robberies. He seems to have gained complete control over his powers. Personality: David has inherited his competitive nature from his father. He seems to rarely turn down a challenge to his skill or his prowess. His experiences with the police means that he will rarely pay attention to authority, which he feels is after him, and for good reason. However, David's experiences with authority has not poisoned him to humanity, just to authority. There is some hope, therefore, that he will one day join us. Relationships: X-men: David has not been very friendly during his encounters with my X-men. He probably feels that my humanitarian goals are not true, since I didn't help him while he was the victim of Mutant prejudice. However, he has not seemed openly hostile to our message. Brotherhood: David has no known relationship with the Brotherhood of Mutants. It is highly unlikely that any of Magnus's propaganda has been believed by David, judging by his treatment of people during his more recent criminal escapades. Also, his personality shows no bitterness toward humans that would make him vulnerable to Magneto's message.