Dickson K. T. Lee


Seek employment in the area of Web development, Internet related, or technical support position.

Work Experience

1998 March – 1999 May USAppraisers Network, Inc. San Francisco, CA

Customer Support / Web design & maintenance

  • Participated in re-designing the layout of company’s web-site using FrontPage 98 and HTML.
  • Wrote a user’s manual for the company' s system.
  • Manage company's on-line tracking system.
  • Provide customer support to lenders & appraisers via phone and email.
  • Provide basic internal technical support.
  • Search and sign-up new appraisers on-line.


1995–1997 WSU Dining Services Pullman, WA

Dining Center employee

  • Worked part-time as server and other positions.


1994 & 1995 Summer Commercial Management, Inc. Hong Kong

Photographer Assistant & Office Assistant

  • Worked as photographer assistant, helped set up lighting, reload camera, etc.
  • Worked as office assistant, helped developed layout of fashion magazine using PageMaker.

Computer Skills

Proficiency in working with Visual Basic 4.0 & 5.0, Access, HTML, JAVA, FrontPage 98, Adobe Acrobat PDF-Writer, MS Image Composer, PhotoShop, MS-Office 97, Windows 95, 98, NT, DOS, Internet. Also have experience in UNIX, SQL, CGI, and COBOL.

Other Skills

Good written and verbal communication skills. Enthusiastic, self-starter, able to handle multi-tasks, and a quick-learner.


1995–1997 Washington State University Pullman, WA

  • B.A., Business Administration – Option in Management Information System


1993–1995 Big Bend Community College Moses Lake, WA

  • A.A. Degree


Fluent in English and Chinese.


Available upon request.