Here are some Gameshark codes for Pokemon Infinite Energy 01ff16d0 No Random Battles 01033cd1 Infinite Money 019947d3 019948d3 019949d3 Buy Anything in the Mart* 01xx7CCF 01xx7DCF 01xx7ECF 01xx7FCF Start With Any Pokémon** 01xx1ED1 Note: Some pokémon will not be playable! Fight The Pokémon of Your Choice** 01xxD8CF * Replace the "xx" with one of the following pairs of hexadecimal for the item of you choice: 01 = Master Ball $0 02 = Ultra Ball $1200 03 = Great Ball $200 04 = PokéBall $200 0A = Moon Stone $0 0B = Antidote $100 0C = Burn Heal $250 0D = Ice Heal $250 0E = Awakening $200 0F = Parlyz Heal $200 10 = Full Restore $3000 11 = Max Potion $2500 12 = Hyper Potion $1500 13 = Super Potion $700 14 = Potion $300 1D = Escape Rope $550 1E = Repel $350 20 = Fire Stone $2100 21 = Thunder Stone $2100 22 = Water Stone $2100 23 = HP Up $9800 24 = Protein $9800 25 = Iron $9800 26 = Carbos $9800 27 = Calcium $9800 28 = Rare Candy $4800 2E = X Accuracy $950 2F = Leaf Stone $2100 31 = Nugget $10000 32 = PP UP $9800 33 = PokéDoll $1000 34 = Full Heal $600 35 = Revive $1500 36 = Max Revive $4000 37 = Gaurd Spec $700 38 = Super Repel $500 39 = Max Repel $700 3A = Dire Hit $650 3B = Coin $10 3C = Fresh Water $200 3D = Soda Pop $300 3E = Lemonade $350 41 = X Attack $500 42 = X Defend $550 43 = X Speed $350 44 = X Special $350 4B = Exp. All $0 4F = PP Up $0 50 = Ether $0 51 = Max Ether $0 52 = Elixer $0 53 = Max Elixer $0 ** Replace the "xx" with one of the following pairs of hexadecimal for the monster of you choice (when you first see them, the picture might be corrupt; this won't affect anything once you have caught it): 20 = #000: Missingno. (4th mystical bird) 99 = #001: Bulbasaur 09 = #002: Ivysaur 9A = #003: Venusaur B0 = #004: Charmander B2 = #005: Charmeleon B4 = #006: Charizard B1 = #007: Squirtle B3 = #008: Wartortle 1C = #009: Blastoise 7B = #010: Caterpie 7C = #011: Metapod 7D = #012: Butterfree 70 = #013: Weedle 71 = #014: Kakuna 72 = #015: Beedrill 24 = #016: Pidgey 96 = #017: Pidgeotto 97 = #018: Pidgeot A5 = #019: Rattata A6 = #020: Raticate 05 = #021: Spearow 23 = #022: Frearow 6C = #023: Ekans 2D = #024: Arbok 54 = #025: Pikachu 55 = #026: Raichu 60 = #027: Sandshrew 61 = #028: Sandslash 0F = #029: Nidoran(female) A8 = #030: Nindorina 10 = #031: Nidoqueen 03 = #032: Nidoran(male) A7 = #033: Nindorino 07 = #034: Nidoking 04 = #035: Clefairy 8E = #036: Clefable 52 = #037: Vulpix 53 = #038: Ninetales 64 = #039: Jigglypuff 65 = #040: Wigglytuff 6B = #041: Zubat 82 = #042: Golbat B9 = #043: Oddish BA = #044: Gloom BB = #045: Vileplume 6D = #046: Paras 2E = #047: Parasect 41 = #048: Venonat 77 = #049: Venomoth 3B = #050: Diglett 76 = #051: Dugtrio 4D = #052: Meowth 90 = #053: Persian 2F = #054: Psyduck 80 = #055: Goldduck 34 = #056: Mankey 75 = #057: Primeape 21 = #058: Growlithe 14 = #059: Arcanine 47 = #060: Poliwag 6E = #061: Poliwhirl 6F = #062: Poliwrath 94 = #063: Abra 26 = #064: Kadabra 95 = #065: Alakazam 6A = #066: Machop 29 = #067: Machoke 7E = #068: Machamp BC = #069: Bellsprout BD = #070: Weepinbell BE = #071: Victreebell 18 = #072: Tentacool 9B = #073: Tentacruel A9 = #074: Geodude 27 = #075: Graveler 31 = #076: Golem A3 = #077: Ponyta A4 = #078: Rapidash 25 = #079: Slowpoke 08 = #080: Slobro AD = #081: Magnemite 36 = #082: Magneton 40 = #083: Farfetch'd 46 = #084: Doduo 74 = #085: Dodrio 3A = #086: Seel 78 = #087: Dewgong 0D = #088: Grimer 88 = #089: Muk 17 = #090: Shellder 8B = #091: Cloyster 19 = #092: Gastly 93 = #093: Haunter 0E = #094: Gengar 22 = #095: Onix 30 = #096: Drowzee 81 = #097: Hypno 4E = #098: Krabby 8A = #099: Kingler 06 = #100: Voltorb 8D = #101: Electrode 0C = #102: Exeggcute 0A = #103: Exeggutor 11 = #104: Cubone 91 = #105: Marowak 2B = #106: Hitmonlee 2C = #107: Hitmonchan 0B = #108: Lickitung 37 = #109: Koffing 8F = #110: Weezing 12 = #111: Rhyhorn 01 = #112: Rhydon 28 = #113: Chansey 1E = #114: Tangela 02 = #115: Kangaskhan 5C = #116: Horsea 5D = #117: Seadra 9D = #118: Goldeen 9E = #119: Seaking 1B = #120: Staryu 98 = #121: Starmie 2A = #122: Mr. Mime 1A = #123: Scyther 48 = #124: Jynx 35 = #125: Electabuzz 33 = #126: Magmar 1D = #127: Pinsir 3C = #128: Tauros 85 = #129: Magikarp 16 = #130: Gyarados 13 = #131: Lapras 4C = #132: Ditto 66 = #133: Eevee 69 = #134: Vaporeon 68 = #135: Jolteon 67 = #136: Flareon AA = #137: Porygon 62 = #138: Omanvste 63 = #139: Omastar 5A = #140: Kabuto 5B = #141: Kabutops AB = #142: Aerodactyl 84 = #143: Snorlax 4A = #144: Articuro 4B = #145: Zapdos 49 = #146: Moltres 58 = #147: Dratini 59 = #148: Dragonair 42 = #149: Dragonite 83 = #150: Mewtwo 15 = #151: Mew