Welcome. Above are five pictures of me. First two are pretty old..., I think I was like... 11 in the first, and in the second, 12, maybe... either way, yeah, pretty old picutres. ;) The pictures after are really recent... (as of 11/28/02) I usually have a fairly recent picture up at my deadjournal page. My name is Christie, and I was born on March 15th and that makes me a Pisces, which is probably why my main element is water. I live in northern central Colorado. I'm Eclectic Wiccan, and I focus mostly on Faery and Druidic magicks. I was born here in Longmont (as much as I hate that fact, it'll never change), but I lived in Colorado Springs from '87 until '98. Fortunately, I'm pretty much guarenteed to get out of here late this year, and into my own place with my fabulous, perfect boy, who is now my HUSBAND (as of 4/25/03)! I love animals. Right now, we have 4 cats and 11 rabbits. I've had an assortment of rodents, and my sister seems to have an obsession with fish, but hey, whatever floats your boat, right? Eventually I WILL have dogs, and that'll be awesome. The only dogs I've ever had were two dalmations, that my parents had when I was born, but they died awhile ago. *CRY!* Let's see... I'm strange. Yep... um... I dunno. I could talk a lot, but I'd prefer you'd just look around my website. This website should start becoming less crappy, seeing as I finally have a cable modem, and therefore updates don't take forever anymore. Well, enough rambling for now (if you wanna hear more of my nonsense rants, go to my deadjournal!), look around, enjoy, and if you feel the burning desire to contact me, then e-mail me. |
New family! In order: My dad, my sister Jenei, my mom, me, Kyle and my NEW Grandma! |
BELOW: Kyle and I, right after The Kiss at our "wedding" (i.e. signing of papers, real wedding to come, later this year). Aww! |