Starship 5074 - Free Information Resources



Created and Designed by

 Rebekkah Wheeler



pi_dash.gif (83 bytes) Crochet Guild of America  pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)   Crochet Lessons for Everyone

Resource site

Learn to crochet and relax or help other people

pi_dash.gif (83 bytes) Blankets for Canada

pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)  Afghans for Angels    

Afghans for the needy.

Handmade baby blankets 

pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)   AIDS PROJECT Hartford pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)  Caps for Kids
Mittens, afghans, lap robes etc. for AIDS patients.

Caps, mittens, etc. for needy children.

pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)   Community Angels, Inc. pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)Hugs for Homeless Animals

Blankets, clothing, toys, baby hats & booties.

Security blankets for animals in shelters.

pi_dash.gif (83 bytes) Granny's Daughters for Charity pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)  First Born Layette Program

 Crochet Partners gather, assemble granny daughter motifs to help various charities.

Email only - see charity Web for details    

 (handmade baby items for military families) 

pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)Newborns in Need pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)Angels of Comfort

Afghans, hats, and toys for newborns.

Operation Comfort Pins collects lapel pins (crochet, knit, paper, felt, etc.) to give to the people in the tragedy affected communities to show that others are thinking of them in their time of trouble. Pins may be angels, teddy bears, hearts, candles, etc. 

pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)Precious Pals and the Knitting Guild of America pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)Project Linus

Sweaters for teddy bears for kids 

Security blankets for children in hospitals 

pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)  CYA Warm Up America! pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)Earth Angel Charity Web Ring

Afghans for families in need 

More charity projects - local & national

pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)Preemie Afghans for Charity pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)Meadowlarks Orphange
A charity effort sponsored by Crochet Cabana to provide preemie blankies for the premature babies at local hospitals in New Orleans. The Meadowlark Church in California has adopted an orphanage in Mexico, Hogar Infantil la Gloria, and delivers supplies, toys, clothing, food, blankets, etc. every 3 months. Jean Marie crochets hats, ponchos, blankets, and slippers for the children, and will supply patterns to those who would like to help her. Donations of used toys, stuffed animals, clothing are also appreciated.
 pi_dash.gif (83 bytes) The Lion's House Children's Home Littlest Lambs Program  pi_dash.gif (83 bytes)Binky Patrol Comforting Covers For Kids - Non Profit Charity
  Items for newborns and babies. Binkies are handmade blankets given with love to children and teens in need of comfort

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  Last Updated 01/22/00