RoninX74's Hideout ( v4.0 is now ACTIVE as of 00:
Movie of the Moment

Lord of the Rings Return of the King
Rating: ****1/2 Stars


Book of the Week

Lucky Wander Boy
D.B. Weiss

Read a review on Amazon

My "to read" list

What's the Haps!?!?!

Finally, a redesign!!!

So far, I've only redesigned this front page. All the others are the same...heh.

PCN is on May 1st! Go SKIT!

Do you Homestarrunner??

Limerick of the Tiger
This is the tiger on my table
I play with it cuz there's no cable
In China it was made
Six bucks I paid
I don't think I'm mentally stable

Picture of the Season

RoninX74's Hideout
is best viewed at 1024x768 or greater
on Internet Explorer 6.0+
or Netscape 7.0+

Design and Images
by RoninX74
roninx74(don't SPAMZA)

This Ultra-Cool URL
is thanks to:


The Section Bound by No Bounds (Besides the bounds of HTML)

Website with images of its own making...

"The tired and thirsty prospector threw himself down at the edge of the watering hole and started to drink. But then he looked around and saw skulls and bones everywhere. "Uh-oh," he thought. "This watering hole is reserved for skeletons."

-Jack Handey
