Elysium Nights Theater
2.9 Rules - 05/11/04

Use of any White Wolf Game Systems words, phrases, or concepts is not a challenge to those copyrights. These rules are derived from the original Minds Eye Theater Rules produced by White Wolf Game Studio. The following rules represent a combined effort on the part of the several authors initiating and operating Elysium Nights Theater.

Please remember this is just a game. The purpose of this group is to create a venue whereby participating adults can exercise their imagination, creativity, and problem-solving skills in a fictitious setting using characters culled from the World of Darkness. This game is for the enjoyment of all, but please remember this is taking place in the World of Darkness and characters die, get injured, get maimed, and get used. If you do not feel you can deal with this or accept this, please do not play. This game is supposed to be an escape from reality. Topics such as rape and child abuse are not appropriate in this game. Use appropriate discretion.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: PRIMARY RULES   CLANS   CHARACTER CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT   Spending Freebies vs Additional XP   General Point Costs   Kindred Trait Maximums   Kindred Willpower Maximums   Blood Pools   Out of Clan Disciplines   Point Caps per Character Lifestyle   Point Caps per Game   Control Traits   Starting Equipment   Character Termination   DISCIPLINES   Animalism   Auspex   Celerity   Dominate   Fortitude   Obfuscate   Obtenebration   Potence   Presence   Protean   Quietus   Serpentis   Thaumaturgy: Blood   Thaumaturgy: Fire   Thaumaturgy: Mind   Vicissitude   Visceratika   ABILITIES   SECONDARY ABILITIES   RITUALS   BLOOD   WILLPOWER   CONTROL TRAITS   INFLUENCE   TESTS   COMBAT   COMBAT SEQUENCE   COMBAT TESTS   FAIR ESCAPE   WOUND LEVELS   AGGRAVATED WOUNDS, COUP DE GRACE AND DIABLERIE   BLOOD DRAIN AND STAKING   SURPRISE   FRENZY   PROJECTION AND POSSESSION   BLOOD BONDS   HUNTING AND BLOOD STORAGE   HAVENS   MISCELLANEOUS   TIME COST   STORYTELLING   DOWNTIMES AND XP AWARDS   LINKS   VERSION CONTROL   HAVEN APPENDIX   INFLUENCE APPENDIX   RITUAL APPENDIX


No touching. If you are initiating a physical challenge, just say so. Do not simply walk up and try to hit the person. No running and no stunts. No weapons, real or otherwise, are to be used in this game. Use the physical representations prepared by the Storytellers. No illegal drugs or alcohol will be tolerated on the game site. Anyone caught with a controlled substance will be asked to leave the game. All players must sign a consent form before each game. Minors (under 18) are not permitted to participate. The location we play in must be left in the same condition that we receive it. If anyone litters or causes other cleanup difficulties, there will be severe penalties. Although players are encouraged to manipulate these rules to their character's advantage, cheating will not be permitted. Cheating is a violation of either the letter or the spirit of the rules. If a player is determined to be cheating, they will first receive a warning. A second offense will result in halving of their earned XP. A third offense will result in the player being banned from the game.
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Spending freebies vs. additional XP:
-- Freebies may be spent freely on geneeratttion, though they may not be spent on rituals.
-- Only up to 5 freebies may be spent oon iiinfluences. Any number of XP may be spent on influences.
-- XP may be spent on rituals, though ttheyyy may not be spent on generation unless diablerie takes place during game play.
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General POINT costs:
1 physical, mental, or social trait = 1 XP
1 ability = 1 XP
1 control trait = 1 XP
1 influence = 1 XP
in-clan category 1 discipline = 3 XP
in-clan category 2 discipline = 6 XP
in-clan category 3 discipline = 9 XP
willpower = 3 XP
basic ritual = 1 XP
advanced ritual = 3 XP
generation = 2 XP per gen past 13
generation at character creation/not Caitiff = 2 freebies
generation at character creation/ Caitiff = 3 freebies
Diablerie if not Caitiff = 3 XP
Diablerie if Caitiff = 4 XP
Out-of-clan disciplines = see "out of clan disciplines" below

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Kindred Trait Maximums:
Generation Max Traits

Kine or ghoul: 13
Lowest starting PC generation is 8. (13 + (13 - gen)/2).

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Kindred Willpower maximums:
Generation Willpower

Kine or ghoul: 3.

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Blood pools are the same as willpower maximums for kindred or kine; below 6th gen adds six blood per gen: 5: 24, 4: 30, 3: 36.
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Out of clan disciplines: OOC disciplines can be bought two ways.
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Point caps per character lifecycle: Players with less than 20 XP will gain 5 XP per game played. All costs for any expenditure up to and including 100 points will be at normal XP cost. All costs for any expenditures above 100 points up to 299 points will be at double normal XP points. All costs for any expenditure above 300 up to 599 points will be at triple normal XP costs. All costs for any expenditures at 600 points or greater will be at quadruple normal XP costs. No characer may have more than 1,000 points spent.
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Point caps per game: no more than one level of any discipline may be bought per game. Example: character T has Obfuscate 1b and Potence 2a. Character T may choose to buy Obfuscate 2a and Potence 2b next month, but cannot buy any more until next month.
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Control traits: Characters can buy control traits at 1 XP per control. Maximum control is still 10 (or 8 if Brujah, 7 if Gangrel). Control is the higher of these: generation - number of discipline levels - number of childer - number of diableries + additional control traits + willpower, or additional control traits + willpower.
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Starting equipment: All characters start with 1000$ cash per influence and the choice of one +0 trait, 1 wound weapon of any type (pistol, stake, knife, etc).
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Character termination: Go to Top


Bid: social traits + survival ability + level of Animalism vs. same. If the victim has Animalism 1b or 2b, the victim gets additional traits. The use and source of 1a, 2a, and 3a is obvious to victims and enlightened onlookers.
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Auspex: If the Auspexer fails a test, he must wait at least 10 minutes before trying the same test on the same victim again.
Bid: mental traits + investigate ability + level of Auspex vs. mental traits + subterfuge ability + level of obfuscate. If the Auspexer uses 1a, 1b, or 2b and fails the test, the Auspexer gets static. If 1b or 2b is used on a victim having Obfuscate 3a (Soul Mask), the victim may answer whatever they wish. The use of 2b is obvious to the victim, though the source is not obvious. The use of 3a to manifest (without using mask of 1000 faces) is obvious to all onlookers. Auspex use excluding Telepathy and Projector is ranged.
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Always on, but user can choose not to use full effect. Costs nothing.
Bid: See combat test section. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. Use of 2a and above is obvious to all onlookers. All bonuses apply only to physical bids.
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In order for Dominate to work, the dominator must be equal or lower generation than the victim. Non-kindred are treated as 14th generation.
Bid: mental traits + leadership ability + level of Dominate vs. same. If the victim has Animalism 1b or 2b, the victim gets additional traits. Use and source of 1a (unless used via telepathy), 2b (mastery), and 3a are obvious to all enlightened onlookers. Use and source of 1b and 2a are obvious to the victim only if the victim successfully resists. Dominate use excluding Command, Conditioning, and Possession is ranged. 1a and 2b may not be stacked. Dominate cannot be used to force truthtelling.
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Always on, no cost. Use of Fortitude is not obvious to onlookers, but the side effects (such as walking through a hail of gunfire) may be.
Bid: See combat test section. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. All bonuses apply only to physical bids.
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All but 3a are non-combat actions.
Bid: no bid, but may defend against Auspex. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. There are two types of obfuscate - disguise (1b) and hiding (any one of the following: 1a, 2a, or 2b). If a character has both types of obfuscate active, then an Auspexer must test once per each type of obfuscate active to completely break the character's obfuscate. Otherwise, an Auspexer only has a single test to break obfuscate. The Auspexer must first break the hiding (1a, 2a, 2b), then may try to break the disguise (1b). Hidden characters (1a, 2a, 2b) may be Summoned; no other powers will work if they cannot be seen.
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Restricted discipline (Obtenebration may be taught to non-Lasombra only by a Lasombra having the discipline at advanced level).
Bid: mental traits + subterfuge ability + level of Obtenebration vs. same; exception: 2b. Use and source of 1b, 2b, and 3a is obvious to all onlookers. This discipline path is based on Thaumaturgy: Mind and Obfuscate.
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Always on. User may choose not to use full effect. No cost. Use of Potence is not obvious to onlookers, but the side effects (such as picking up a car) may be.
Bid: See combat test section. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. No super-leap. Weapons break if too much Potence is used (if they more than double their original wound levels without being reinforced).
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Bid: social traits + leadership ability + level of Presence vs. same. If the victim has Animalism 1b or 2b, the victim gets additional traits. Use and source of 1a, 1b, 2b, and the second part of 2a are obvious to the victim and all enlightened onlookers. Source of 3a is obvious to enlightened onlookers. Presence use excluding Majesty is ranged. While under the effects if 1a, 1b, or 2b, if the victim is struck, while under the effects of this power, by a successful hit that would cause physical damage, the power is suspended for the following round
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Restricted discipline (Protean may be taught to non-Gangrel only by a Gangrel having the discipline at advanced level).
Bid: no bid. Does not require a test to activate or deactivate. Protean may not be stacked; that is, only one Protean power may be active at a time. If a user of protean wants to change from form to form (2a, 2b, and 3a), they must revert back to human form first. Use of this discipline is obvious to all onlookers.
There are four bloodlines that natively know a Protean-like discipline- Gangrel (Protean), Gargoyle (Visceratika), Setite (Serpentis), and Tzimisce (Vicissitude). If this discipline is learned out of clan, the teacher's bloodline form is what they learn. Each bloodline's Protean-like discipline is obviously different from the others, and it cannot be masked or otherwise disguised as another bloodline's. Celerity can add to movement to any of the forms.
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Restricted discipline (Quietus may be taught to non-Assamite only by an Assamite having the discipline at advanced level).
Bid: Standard melee test (only 2a, 2b and 3a have Quietus tests). Use of the 2a, 2b and 3a all require a non-stake melee weapon. Potence does not add to wounds to the 2b power but adds normally to the 2a and 3a. Use and source of 2a, 2b, and 3a are obvious to all onlookers.
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Restricted discipline (Serpentis may be taught to non-Setite only by a Setite having the discipline at advanced level).
This discipline path is based on Protean and has its limitations.
Bid: Social traits + Corruption + levels of Serpentis vs. same (only 1a and 3a have Serpentis tests),
Use and source of 1a and 3a are obvious to all enlightened onlookers. Use and source of 1b and 2a are obvious to all onlookers.
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Thaumaturgy- Blood:
Restricted discipline (Thaumaturgy may be taught to non-Tremere only by a Tremere having that particular discipline in clan at advanced level).
Bid: mental traits + occult ability + level of Blood Thaumaturgy vs. same. Use and source of 2b is obvious to all enlightened onlookers. Use and source of 3a is obvious to all onlookers.
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Thaumaturgy- Fire:
Restricted discipline (Thaumaturgy may be taught to non-Tremere only by a Tremere having that particular discipline in clan at advanced level).
Bid: mental traits + occult ability + level of Fire Thaumaturgy vs. same. No fire effects over the 1a (up to three attackers may inflict hand of flame) may be stacked on a single victim in the same round - only the single most damaging effect applies. Use and source of this discipline is obvious to all onlookers.
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Thaumaturgy- Mind:
Restricted discipline (Thaumaturgy may be taught to non-Tremere only by a Tremere having that particular discipline in clan at advanced level).
Bid: mental traits + occult ability + level of Mind Thaumaturgy vs. same; exception: 2b. If 3a is active, the user may not make any other offensive test. Use and source of 1a, 1b, 2b, and 3a is obvious to all onlookers.
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Restricted discipline (Vicissitude may be taught to non-Tzimisce only by a Tzimisce having the discipline at advanced level).
Bid: No bid.
Use of 1a, 1b, 2b and 3a are obvious to all onlookers. 1b and 3a do not stack.
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Restricted discipline (Visceratika may be taught to non-Gargoyle only by a Gargoyle having the discipline at advanced level).
Bid: Mental traits + Subtrefuge ability + levels of Visceratika vs. Mental traits + investigation + levels of Auspex (only 1b involves a test). Use of 1a, 2a and 3a are obvious to all onlookers. 1a and 3a do not stack. Go to Top


There is no cap on abilities, but character must start with at least three different abilities on character creation.
-- Brawl: adds to brawl offense and brawl, melee, and missile defense.
-- Corruption: adds to Serpentis challengees. -- Firearms: adds to firearms offense and ddefense.
-- Investigate: adds to Auspex/Visceratika offense.
-- Leadership: adds to Dominate and Preesennnce offense and defense.
-- Melee: adds to melee offense and brawl and melee defense (but not firearms or missile defense).
-- Missile: adds to missile offense (but noot defense).
-- Occult: adds to Thaumaturgy offense and defense and is used for rituals.
-- Survival: adds to Animalism offense and defense.
-- Subterfuge: adds to Auspex/Visceratika ddefense (Obfuscate) and to Obtenebration offense and defense.
-- Sewer Lore: -- Any other skill may be learned for bbackkkground and role-playing purposes, but will not add to any test.
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The rules for secondary skills are designed to allow characters to have more depth beyond only skills that enhance bids. Secondary skills may never used to enhance any bid, except for use in ST plot and not against another player. Secondary skills are a direct measure of knowledge within a certain field. Secondary skills may be from any knowledge area such as but not limited to; Science, Art, Music, Knowledge areas such as Religion, Philosophy, Economics, Sports, tool use, craft, etc. Points spent on secondary skills will not be used to calculate the 100 exp point cap that all PC's are limited to. This means should you spend 40 points in primary areas, 10 points in secondary skills, you would still have 60 exp points left you could spend in the character. Points spent on secondary skills are still halved if the character dies or retires. Freebie points spent on secondary skills have no effect towards the 100 point total. Examples: These are by no means an exhaustive list. As players suggest and use more they will be added to the example list.
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For ritual information, see the Links section.
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For haven information, see the Links section.
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If an influence expenditure (including the use of herd) uses 10 or less influences, that task takes 10 minutes. Otherwise, the task takes 30 minutes. Use of Herd is instantaneous. Reinforcement and ritual reseach can only be performed during downtime.
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Haven appendix: www.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/havens.html
Influence appendix: www.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/infl.html
Ritual appendix: www.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/rituals.html
Elysium Nights Theater General: www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Chamber/9515/
Elysium Nights Theater Rules: www.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/
Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theater In-Game email list: www.egroups.com/subscribe.cgi/ent-ig
Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theater Out-Of-Game email list:
Send mail to the Elysium Nights Theater Storytellers: mailto:ent-st@egroups.com

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1998/07/24: v0.1: First version.

Various updates.
1998/12/09: v2.0: Minor changes to wording, change in control trait calculation, remove double votes from Ventrue, added notes to ST section.
1999/05/10: v2.1: Minor changes, typos fixed. Removed silver cord, added section for astral and possession.
2000/03/25: v2.2: Numerous minor tweaks, typos fixed. Added additional bloodlines. Added several additional powers and clarifications.
2000/07/14: v2.3 beta 4: Minor changes. Moved rituals to separate section.
2001/02/14: v2.4 beta: More Minor changes, added widgets to some 3a disciplines. Slightly larger changes to Mind Thaumaturgy, Obtenebration, and Presence.
2002/01/15: v2.5 Changes to Presence, Fortitude, Auspex. Other minor tweaks.
2002/01/05: v2.5: Changes to Presence, Fortitude
2002/06/20: v2.6: Changes to Sewer Lore, Torpor, Frenzy
2003/03/20: v2.7: Changes to Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate, Possession, Potence, Presence, Blood Thaumaturgy, Combat, Surprise and other misc. changes. HAVEN RULES, INFLUENCE RULES and RITUAL RULES incorporated into main rules set.
2004/01/06: v2.8: Minor changes and clarifications to powers and general game rules (discipline stacking, frenzy clarifications, etc). Added BUs and new influence types.
2004/05/15: v2.9: Changes in Point Caps, Obtenebration; redefine Quietus, Serpentis, Vicissitude, Visceratika; list additional Influence types

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Elysium Nights Theater Haven Rules: v2.4 02/14/2001

Comments are welcome.

Introduction ;   Ownership ;   Haven Attributes ;   Downtime Attacks ;   Links ;   Version Control.

INTRODUCTION: Return to Haven Table of Contents
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Return to Haven Table of Contents
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-- Alarms: There may be alarms oon aaall structures; each is bought separately.
-- Alternate Exits: A crypt can havvve hidden one-way doors leading to different areas.
-- Camera: There may be any numbber of cameras covering an area, collecting audio and video. Each camera must be obvious to all characters (represented by a red card taped to a wall or a ST informing the players there are camera(s) present). The cameras are breakable. The camera signals cannot be intercepted or jammed.
-- Camera taping system: This iss usssed to record the output of a camera. Recorders may be in a different location from the source cameras or monitors. Recorders are obvious and breakable. There must be one recorder per camera that is taped. Searching characters must be PCs. If a scene wants to be replayed, the player whose character is searching the tape must find a ST who was present at the scene to be replayed. If no ST was present, then the scene was not taped.
-- Hiding: Hiding an outer havenn maaakes it more difficult for an attacker using influences to find it.
-- Influence Resistance: An outeer hhhaven can be made resistance to influence attacks in downtime. This has no effect on in-game play.
-- Locks: There are three kinds of locks: two-way, one-way, and timelock.
-- Mobility: The haven must be rreasssonably capable of moving. Havens in the sewers cannot be mobile.
-- Monitor: This is used to vieww annnd hear the output of a camera. Monitors may be in a different location from the source cameras. Monitors are obvious and breakable. One monitor may be used to view multiple source cameras; the viewer must manually flip through the sources. Viewing characters must be PCs. -- Reinforcement: Reinforcement makkkes a structure resistant to physical attack. There may be reinforcement on all structures; each is bought separately. Windows cannot be reinforced. Once a structure has 100+ reinforcement points, it is considered soundproof. -- Rituals: Rituals may be cast on the haven per the normal rules.

-- Seals: Seals are used to prevventtt mist from entering. Return to Haven Table of Contents
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-- Searching:
-- Influence Attack: Return to Haven Table of Contents
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-- Haven appendix: http://www.geocitiess.cooom/Area51/Starship/6060/havens.html
-- Influence appendix: http://www.geociitieees.com/Area51/Starship/6060/infl.html
-- Elysium Nights Theater General: httpp:////www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Chamber/9515/
-- Elysium Nights Theater Rules: http:///wwwww.geocities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/
-- Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theaaterrr In-Game email list: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/ent-ig
-- Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theaaterrr Out-Of-Game email list: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/ent-oog
-- Send mail to the Elysium Nights Theaaterrr Storytellers: mailto:nothasp@hotmail.com

-- 1998/11/29: v1.0 beta 1: First versiion...
-- 1998/12/09: v2.0: Added primary inflluennnces and cash.
-- 1999/07/26: v2.1: Added ownership annd aaa few new attributes.
-- 2000/03/24: v2.2: Cameras changed too reeed cards, hiding multiplier changed, and searching allowed downtime or at the game.
-- 2000/06/21: v2.3: Added theft and liimittts.
-- 2001/02/14: v2.4: Changed hiding to smaaaller formula. Made mobility and hiding mutually exclusive. Removed concealed doors.

Return to Haven Table of Contents
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Elysium Nights Theater Influence Rules: v2.4 05/11/2003

Comments are welcome.


Basics: Introduction; Concealment; In-game/Out-of-game Cost; Layaway Cards; Primary Influence Types; Repairing An Item; Time Cost; Links; Version Control.
Items: Ablative Armor; Persistent Armor; Defensive Traits; Firearms; Handguns; Rifles; Shotguns; Silencers Ammunition Brawl; Melee/Missle; Stakes; Mortal; Reinforcement; Other Items.
Other Activities: Uses for Media; Masquerade Breach Coverups; Diminishing Influence Attack; Haven Building and Attacking; Influence Investigation; Ritual Research; Business Units.

Following are the different types of influences: Corporate, Government, Herd, Industry, Military, Occult, Police, Street, Media, Underworld and University.
All characters start with 3 influences except Tremere, who start with 2, and Toreador, who start with 3 or 4. Influences may be purchased for 1 xp or freebie each.
All influence types may be used to build or attack havens, attack others' influences, or investigate characters or actions.
Corporate, Government, Herd, Industry, Occult, Street, Underworld, and Media (to a lesser extent) may be used to acquire items.
Herd may be used as sources of blood (normally 3 points of blood per herd, this amount may decrease if in-game events have broken or threaten the masquerade).
Occult may be used for research and development of new rituals.


All item prices listed below are doubled when the player attempts to get the item during the game.

All influence actions that are discrete events that are continued over several months (partially buying an item, researching a ritual) will be given out on "layaway cards". The layway card should be signed by an ST, dated, list the influences used, and list the task working toward. These cards can be given away or sold by the owning character. If the player loses the card, then that work is lost.

Any of the five influence types not specified as a primary type is considered a secondary type. Herd and cash are secondary types for all items. If the primary type is "any", any of the five types and/or cash may be used. The total influence expenditure must be at least 50% primary influences.
Example: An item that costs 4 influences can be obtained by any of the following ways:

If an item is broken (such as armor that has all of its boxes marked or a melee weapon that had too much Potence used on it) or has reached its expiration date, it can no longer be used. The item may be restored to full working condition by spending half its original cost (using the original item's primary category). Any item may be repaired at any time (such as to refresh the item's expiration date before it expires or partially restore armor) but the repair costs the full amount.
Examples: A 3 trait, 2 wound gun is would cost 7 (15/2, round down) influences to repair. The same rifle with a silencer would cost 15 (15 for the original rifle + 15 for the silencer/2) to repair.

If an influence expenditure (including use of herd) uses 10 or less influences, that task takes 10 minutes. Otherwise, the task takes 30 minutes. Reinforcement and ritual research can only be performed during downtime.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: University, Corporate, Government.
Each point of armor is a box on the item card. For each hit received in combat, the victim may mark off a box to automatically ignore one wound level of damage. Exceptions: aggravated wounds, the first wound level of damage caused by a staking attempt, and the damage caused by Cauldron may not be soaked by ablative armor. Ablative armor does not regenerate after a scene - once a box is marked off, the ablative armor must be repaired before it is marked again. A character may only wear one armored item.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: University, Media, Military.
Persistent Armor functions as Ablative Armor, but repairs all boxes at the end of each scene. Remember, a character may only wear one armored item. DEFENSIVE TRAITS:
PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: University, Industry, Occult.
Defensive traits may be added to any armor for an additional cost per defensive trait. Defensive traits may be added to any type of armor by adding the influence cost of the defensive trait onto the original cost of the armor. Purely defensive trait armors are always blue cards. FIREARMS:
There are three types of firearms, shotguns, rifles and handguns. Shotguns have a range up to 8 paces, and are able to affect up to two targets in one round. The two targets must be next to each other within a 2 pace range. Rifles are able to affect one target from 8 paces up to 80 paces. Handguns have a range up to 20 paces. Shotguns are able to use plus trait ammunition. Rifles are able to use plus trait ammunition and armor piercing ammunition. Handguns may use plus wound ammunition and plus trait ammunition. Only special storyteller approved ammunition may violate the ammunition rules.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Media Industry.
Handguns may affect one target up to 20 paces. Handguns may be silenced for a double in the cost of the handgun. Handguns may use plus wound ammunition and plus trait ammunition.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Government, Military.
Rifles may affect one target from 8 to 80 paces. Rifles may be silenced for a double in the cost of the rifle. Rifles are able to use plus trait ammunition and armor piercing ammunition. SHOTGUNS:
PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Police, Corporate.
Shotguns have a range up to 8 paces, and are able to affect up to two targets in one round. The two targets must be next to each other within a 2 pace range. Shotguns may not be silenced. Shotguns are able to use plus trait ammunition. SILENCERS:
PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Same as for gun being fitted for silencer.
Silencers are permanently affixed to a gun (that is, the STs write 'silencer' on the gun card and sign it again). They cannot be detached from the gun once affixed. Certain gun types cannot be silenced: most commonly these are shotguns, although special-case items may be found. AMMUNITION:
There are three types of ammunition, armor piercing, plus trait and plus wound. Each type may only be used in conjunction with the type of firearm that accepts that type of ammunition. Ammunition is bought in clips of five bullets. Ammunition types may stack by adding the amount for both ammunitions together. All ammunition clips are blue cards. An ammunition clip, when bought, will be bought for a specific type of firearm and the clip card will have the type of firearm it is bought for written on the card. Ammunition bought for one type of firearm will not work in another firearm type.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Governmednt, Military.
Armor Piercing ammunition causes the wounds inflicted by a firearm to ignore the wound reduction of armor.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Police, Corporate.
Plus trait ammunition the bid of a firearm attack. PLUS WOUND AMMUNITION:
PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Underworld, Media, Industry.
Use of plus wound ammunition negates the silencer on a firearm. TRANQUILIZER AMMUNITION:
PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Corporate, Underworld, University.
Vampires, ghouls and other enlightened creatures are not affected by tranquilizer ammunition. Tranquilizer ammunition may only be used in handguns or rifles. Successful firearms attack allows a simple test to render the target unconscious, attacker wins on ties. BRAWL WEAPONS:
PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Street, Police, Military.
Brawl weapons simply allow a way for Brawlers to increase their attack and defense bids. MELEE/MISSLE WEAPONS:
PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Street, Industry, Government.
Melee weapons other than stakes can also be used as missle weapons. STAKES:
PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Corporate, Street, Occult.
All stakes are blue cards. Stakes cannot be reinforced. MORTAL NON-LETHAL WEAPONS:
PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: Street, Occult, Corporate.
This weapon class allows successful melee attacks to test to be able incapacitate a mortal. On a successful melee attack, the attacker gets a simple/static test (depending on the weapon, see below) to render the victim unconscious. Vampires, ghouls and other enlightened creatures are not affected by these weapons. These weapons are all blue cards. REINFORCEMENT:
PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: University, Industry, Occult.
Reinforcement Levels: To use Potence 1b, 2a or 3a, a weapon must be reinforced, regardless of wound levels. OTHER ITEMS:
PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: See "USES FOR MEDIA". Media is the primary influence for: deactivating cell phones and pagers, voice activated tape recorders, video cameras, small video cameras, rumor mongering, large Masquerade cover ups, influencing herd or feeding when effectiveness is diminished and influences other influence types when effectiveness is diminished, or the ability to diminish feeding or other influence types.

PRIMARY INFLUENCE TYPES: See Below. The storytellers will determine what constitutes a miniature, minor, major or massive Masquerade Breech.

For haven information, see the Links section.


As a downtime action, a character may spend 15 influences of any one type and $5000 to create a business unit. A business unit (hereafter BU) may be purchased with a layaway card. BU's may be used as influences both at the game and during downtime (except as per exceptions, see below). Exceptions: BU's do not add to hiding or searching for havens, do not count towards a hundred point cap, can be transferred permanently. BU's are also able to create business units, but must be of the same type. LINKS: VERSION CONTROL:

Elysium Nights Theater Ritual Rules: v2.3 07/12/2000

Comments are welcome.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction,   New Rituals,   Basic Rituals,   Advanced Rituals,   Links,   Version Control.


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New Rituals:
Rituals go through a four step life cycle: approval, research, restricted use, and common use.
-- See the influence appendix on rituall reesearch for more details on ritual research.

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Basic Rituals:

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Advanced Rituals:

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-- Haven appendix: www.geocities.com/Arrea551/Starship/6060/havens.html
-- Influence appendix: www.geocities.coom/AArea51/Starship/6060/infl.html
-- Ritual appendix: www.geocities.com/AAreaa51/Starship/6060/rituals.html
-- Elysium Nights Theater General: www..geoocities.com/TimesSquare/Chamber/9515/
-- Elysium Nights Theater Rules: www.geeociities.com/Area51/Starship/6060/
-- Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theaaterr In-Game email list: www.egroups.com/subscribe.cgi/ent-ig
-- Subscribe to the Elysium Nights Theaaterr Out-Of-Game email list: www.egroups.com/subscribe.cgi/ent-oog
-- Send mail to the Elysim Nights Theatter Storytellers: mailto:ent-st@egroups.com

-- 1998/07/24: v0.1: First version. -- Various updates.
-- 2000/07/12: v2.3: Minor changes, typpoess fixed. Moved rituals to separate section.

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