Those of you who suffer from common misperceptions of what Wicca is, then you are about to stand corrected.  It is not devil worship, the sacrifice of humans or animals, disembowling chickens, blood rites, the Necronomicon, or the movie The Craft.  If Wicca was all about those, then Wiccans would be in sorry shape, indeed.  It is a religion of life and love.  We celebrate all living things and hold them in high regard. 

Unlike most religions you might be familiar with (Christian and Jewish coming immediately to mind), we don't have one god and a promise of the return of a Messiah.  Instead, we have two distinct gods, or, more specifically, a goddess and a god.  Since Wicca is a religion of life and nature, our gods are prepresented by both genders, as in nature you will find both genders necessary for reproduction and the continuance of the species. 

There is also different symbolism that is encountered in Wicca.  Shortly, we use many different ritual tools when celebrating a ritual, much like what you might see if you were to go to a regular Christian church, espicially Catholic.

Here is some more stuff on Wicca.

Until I work this into the rest of this section, here will sit something from the United State's Air Force Chaplain's Guide.