Land on Dagobah

Welcome to Dagobah. I hope you enjoy your stay on our humble world. I also hope you've brought a blaster. Well, at least some sort of deadly weapon. I, myself, recommend the highly powerful and state-of-the-art BlasTech HP-3300 Cutting Ray. Enough power in that baby to knock over a krayt dragon. Oh, sorry, I haven't introduced myself. Hi, I'm Arc, and I'll be your guide through the bogs, and to the main library, home to my up-and-coming Young Jedi Knights lore. One warning: do NOT bother any dragonsnakes. They're irritable this time of year, and the swamp slug fat that's being shed by the swamp slugs into the bog aren't helping their attitude, especially since the swamp slug fat contains a chemical which can cause violent diarrhea in the dragonsnakes. One of our tour guides got too close to them last week. Pretty messy- by "messy" I mean both the diarrhea and the body parts strewn across the bog. Oh, that reminds me...if you smell anything like a dead skunk that threw up all over itself before dying, report to the main HQ for detoxification. Heh.
Dagobah is always under construction, so please check back often for updates. Thank you, and enjoy!

people have landed on Dagobah since 11/2/98

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