Week of: Sept. 11th, 2000

Saturday, Sept. 16th:

12" Dewback in Green Bay

Beth reports that the TRU in Green Bay got in some of the 12" Dewbacks. It sounds like most stores got in 6-10 of them in this shipment.

Friday (Late), Sept. 15th:

Dubuque TRU Report

Zampardi reports that the TRU in Dubuque also got in the 12" Dewback. They had four of them this morning. Also, they had in some POTJ figures. Nice to see that TRU is starting to get some in. Included were the Collection 1 wave with Obi-Wan and Collection 2 wave.

Friday, Sept. 15th:

12" Dewback with Sandtrooper

TRU in Madison had 5 of their 12" exclusive Dewbacks sitting on the floor in the Star Wars section this morning. These things are huge (and heavy) and will set you back $79.99. I have heard people complain that the Dewback is a little small, I think I agree with that. But then again, I don't know if I would want them to make it any bigger either. It will be hard enough to find a place for this. The bigger disappointment, in my mind, is that the Sandtrooper is pure white having no dirty markings at all. A good and dirty Sandtrooper would have added a lot. These will be hard to find in mint packaging. The shear size of it almost makes that impossible. Thus, all of the ones this morning had some creases in their box or dented corners.

Tuesday, Sept. 12th:

Collection 2 POTJ

Target east in Madison got in a case of the Collection 2 POTJ figures today.