Week of: Feb. 26th, 2001
Saturday, March 3rd:
Saesee Tiin Wave
Steve W. reports finding this wave in Southern Milwaukee and Racine at K-Marts while I found them today at K-Mart west and south in Madison. There are lots of variations in this wave. I found Saesee Tinn on both .0100 and .0300 cards. Steve W. found the Queen Amidala Theed Invasion figure on .0100 card with flesh colored legs and on .0300 card with purple legs. All of the ones I found were on .0300 cards and, I think, have purple legs. I also found Plo Koon on .0300 card, but IG-88 (closed hand), Mon Calimari Officer, and K-3PO were on .0100 cards. If anyone gets any extras of Queen Amidala on either .0100 card or with flesh colored legs (either card), I would be interested in them. Saesee Tiin is nice, but looks a lot like Plo Koon on the pegs. My only beef with this figure is the black saber handle; it really needs some highlights or something. Queen Amidala Theed Invasion is fairly nice as well. There is no way this figure would stand on its own if it wasn't for her dress.
Monday, Feb. 26th:
Aurra Sing & Saesee Tiin Waves
Ian reports that Wal-Mart west in Madison got in both of these two waves of figures this morning.
Insider Issue #52
I got the newest issue of the Star Wars Insider today in the mail. This issue features R2-D2 and C-3PO on the cover.