Week of: Oct. 22nd, 2001
Saturday, Oct. 27th
12" Luke Speederbike
Target west in Madison had three of these while the east side store had two. It looks like they are already becoming peg warmers.
Friday, Oct. 26th
Tie Interceptor
TRU west in Madison had one case of their exclusive ships today. Thanks to both Ian and Ray H. who found these around noon. If you want one of these and have been putting off buying one, I wouldn't wait any longer. It is being reported that this will be the last shipment of these and once they are gone, they are gone.
Everywhere But Madison
Gary S. reports in on a number of toy sightings though out the state.
First the Target in Appleton (by the mall) had three 12" Luke Speederbikes on the shelves. The TRU close by had a lone 12" Death Star Trooper along with a lot of Ketwol wave. Finally, the Target in Sturgeon Bay had a couple each of the Darth Vader Emperor's Wrath wave.
Thursday, Oct. 25th
12" Luke Speederbike
Target east in Madison had two of these on the shelf today. They were both in pretty beat up boxes.
Darth Vader Emperor's Wrath Wave
Ray H. reports that Target west in Madison got in some of this wave today.
Wednesday, Oct. 24th
12" Luke Speederbike
Target west in Madison had two of these on the shelf this morning. I picked up one of them. I would consider it one of those items that completist will buy. It is large and basically the only things new about it are Luke's head sculpt, his poncho (maybe), and his helmet. The box is new as well. It seems like kind of stupid forking out $49.99 plus tax for one of these. I would guess that they will be warming the shelves in no time.
B-Wing Clearance
Target lowered the price on the B-Wings again. Now they are down to $19.90. I would guess that they won't last long at this price.
12" Death Star Droid Wave
Both Target east and west in Madison had a few of these on the shelves this morning.