These are quotes from our movies, other movies, or people we know. If YOU have a quote you would like to send us, send it to SassySugarSmacks@aol.com with the subject line of: Quotes
red= from our movies
blue= from other movies
green= from people we know
Change in my shell! ~ Yoda in ESBA
When 900 years old YOU reach, look as good as I you do not!~Yoda in ESBA
Marvin, where's your spirit? Beep Beep!~ Fat guy in Scavenger Hunt
"Don't be leeches!" Miss Criger in 8th grade choir
Yum Yum Yummy.~ Darth Vader in ROTJA
"Her kitty died." ~Brian
"Fishbutter." ~Richard
"I rode a plane to Mexico." Shower Girl when learning about coordinate planes in Geometry
"Eh, Pacha?"~ CousCous in Emperor's New Groove
"Come Patsy." ~ King Arthur in Monty Python and the Holy Grail
"Love is Just a Game." ~Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge.
"You ATE Jesus?"
"She ate Jesus?"
"NO!!! That's wrong on SO many levels! When I said I ate it, I meant the chair, not Jesus. Even if I WERE going to eat Jesus, where would I find him?"
Nikki, Catherine, and Shower Girl
"You should've said that you weren't Catholic." Jenni, in response to the above quote
"Demon Mouse!" Jo Mucas
"Everything good?"
"Good Good!"
*clap clap*
Originally by Adam, from OP, but Shower Girl stole it and now it's a Troy and SG thing.
"Don't Spiff my boobs." Shower Girl (looong story)
" Rubbing shoulders leads to sex." Justin C.
"There are ....... just right for some kissin, and I mean to kiss me a few! Man those ....... don't know what they're missing, I've got alot of livin to do!" Megan, dirty dirty Megan.
"Smiles. my friend, not because others need to see them, but because you deserve it." Mr. Greg Jasperse
"I don't get the cows either." Herman in response to reading Robert Frost's poem Mending Walls
"DMY" Lisa Kudrow's character on the Simpsons. hehehe
"I'm the Luke guy I'M THE LUKE GUY!!" Mark Hamill
"...Yeah he needs to pick on someone his own size, wait, maybe that WAS his size." Megan when we were talking about when Scott threw my precious, precious DerrickJakeThomas II (otherwise known as Twoey, the Mimosa Padukah I got in biology). I told you Megan had a nasty mind.
"The bell rings in 5 minutes, do you know what happens then?"
"I get a time out?"
"No, it's lunch break, the scare floor will be empty! Do you know what happend to the Scare Floor when it's empty?
"It gets painted?" ~Randall and Mike from Monsters INC
"They're like pancakes, sufficient."
"And they taste good with syrup." ~Slider and Scott
" Like if the moon falls to the earth and you're taking a shower and naked when the moon hits you, when they find your body, it'll be in the nude." Slider
"chocolate eterno" ~Brian, Jonathan and SG
"Looks like the Sweet bread is in the oven and
the sun is coming up
on the cabbage farm"~ Slider, don't ask
"Tonight, I'm going to show her my 'O' face, you know the one, Oh.. Oh..." Office Space
"sexing" ~Me
"Hoover face!!" ~Mara and Me
" A doo run run run and doo run run...." ~Richard and Me

"Who the Hell is Me Awoot?" ~Ms Ritter, Richard, and me

"Shoo" ~Ms Ritter, Troy, and Justin
"Identify" ~Ross in his British accent on Friends.

"Seven!!!!" Monica on Friends
"F U Ladoo!!" ~Troy