
Grog the Great has been held at bay for the present time...we are strengthening our defense and making sure there is backup against further attack.  He is a formidable opponent and much skill is required to try and keep him distracted so that he will no longer see the Red Crystal Keep as a source of food and plunder...please continue in your vigilant visiting, for it is your faithful numbers that have helped us defend so well against the Great Grog...

As you can see by his portrait here, he is sneaky, deceitful, and very fierce...if you wish you may send a letter of your continued support and strategies you think would work against the Great Grog to Seobahn...we are constantly seeking for a way to banish the worm once and for all...

Meanwhile, adventurer, please take care as you sojourn in the Red Crystal vigilant at all times, eyes wide open for traps and attack from this creature of the Dark...

The rebuilding begins...


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